Page 127 of A Foster Fling
I heard him hiss and then my breath was forced from my lungs when his fist connected with my ribcage.
“Little bitch!” He snarled and pulled off me enough to get in my face.
I could see his wrist bleeding from the corner of my eye where his keys caught his skin. Copper took chase across my tongue as I bit down to keep from crying out. If he finally killed me it would all be over but I couldn’t leave Cae alone with those people. I was all that was keeping them from tearing him apart.
“You couldn’t just behave could you?”
“Behave?” I spat. “You were fucking killing him!”
“Now now, Lamb, Waif is much stronger than you give him credit for.” His bullshit statement was punctuated by the whimper from the other side of the room.
Any fear I had burned away as I was reminded why I was even in that position. I was sneaking out for a smoke I stole from Miss Mason when I thought I heard Caerus crying out from a room in the basement. He was supposed to be out of the house for a few days while away at a sleep lab, so naturally I barged right in expecting to see Cae in trouble.
What I didnotexpect to see was a boy I’d never laid eyes on green in the face with pain. He was doubled over as Wendell crushed his genitals in one hand and the boys throat in another. The sight was so infuriating I didn’t even think, I just charged him.
“Quiet boy!” Wendell snarled at the small boy.
Emaciated even. The Devil’s history said he couldn’t be much younger than the rest of us but he was so small. He could have passed for a nine year old. Cae had just turned sixteen. I was to be fifteen soon. Just like the rest of us the boy had clearly suffered the long arm of neglect.
“You’re such a creep, Wendell. Leave him alone!”
“You thinkI’mthe creep? You have no idea what this little sicko has done girly, thethingshe’s collected.”
“Nothing compares to you, get off me!”
“I don’t think I will lamb, not this time. It’s time you pay up for all the trouble you give me.”
The dread that took root, it planted itself so deep I’m not sure ever pulled myself free. I was once again ready to give up the fight if it meant that everything would finally be over. Cae would move on without me and I didn’t owe the kid cowering in the corner a single thing. I knew what kind of person I was, had I known it wasn’t Cae, I would have never gone in there. I would have walked on.
Wendell might have killed the boy, but I wouldn’t be pressed by the sin I was so unaware of. Had I kept walking, I would have been tucked in bed, comforted slightly by the presence of Miss Mason only a few feet away.
It’s no wonder that nightmares haunted those hallways, after all, it was the sandman that built them. He’s nothing like they say in the songs. He doesn’t lull you into sweet dreams and restful sleep. He drags you by your eyelids straight into the thickest of terrors.
I missed something Wendell said while I was stuck in my head and when I didn’t answer him fast enough the room spun as he twisted me under him so I was facing his crocodile maw. His sweet breath crept through his pearly white teeth and I gagged again.
“Doc thinks you’re pretty special ya know? But you’re not.” He sneered at me, spittle getting in my eyes.
I wanted to close them but they may have never opened again.
“The last thing I want to be in that man’s eyes is special. I don’t want to be anything to any of you. Let me go before I scream; Tilda won’t let you get away with this. The doctor isn’t here to protect you.” I knew my voice shook with my fear but I pretended I was built on strength.
I was able to wave my free hand just enough, trying to get the boy to run for it but he shook his head and slowly stood to his feet. I didn’t miss the way he winced in pain and I just stopped myself from stomping my foot in frustration.
“I could strangle that spineless bitch right next to you and the doctor wouldn’t bat an eye. You think she has any power here? Just because she’s kin, don’t make her king. Now open wide.”
He never finished whatever he was planning. He never even hurt me again. I don’t even know if he took another breath. I only know one thing.
Waif saved me.
Chapter Eight
“You’re dead.” The words are just as much so on my lips.
“Knowing where you left me, I can see why you would think that.”