Page 26 of A Foster Fling
Smoke swirls in my lungs as I inhale, enjoying the effects that come with the cotton candy flavored sativa.
Through the window in front of me, I could see the glow from the bonfire. Voices of the partygoers sitting around just outside trickled in quietly, making the room seem a lot smaller than it was. I watched people kiss, smoke joints, and take shots. They were living their lives right in front of me, enjoying the moment as it passed, completely unaware. If they knew, no one was saying anything. Not like I would give a shit if they did. I left the drapes open on purpose. More so for the view than for people to see me.
Looking down, I watch as an overly eager freshman tries his damnedest to make me cum. He seems more interested in trying to inhale me than get me off. If I wasn’t damn near ready to explode, I would have pushed him off me five minutes ago. It’s been so long since I’ve had that release, he could suck my nuts into his mouth and bite down. As long as I fucking cum, I couldn’t care less.
My fingers move to his hair and wrap around the dark brown strands. His moan vibrates through my dick and makes my balls tighten.
Fuck, maybe this is it.
Closing my eyes, I relax into the recliner, keeping my hand firmly planted in his hair, slowly pushing his head down farther and farther until he gags each time his head dips. That familiar sensation builds in the pit of my stomach, causing me to thrust harder.
“What are you doing?”The words from my past echo through my head as the memory glitches like an oversized movie. Fragments play on repeat.
“What are you doing?”
“Kissing you…. What are you doing? Kiss—what are you…Kissing you.”
“Fuck,” I growl, chasing my release. My fingers are gripping his hair so tightlyin myknuckles are white. I can’t tell if his moans are from pain or pleasure, but I don’t care. I need this. I need this so fucking much.
“What are you doing?”
“FUCK!” I yell, jerking the freshman’s head back as I stand up abruptly, tossing him to the floor. The gunshot rings through my ears, blurring my vision. I stumble into my dresser, knocking the stuff on top to the ground.
“Did I hurt you?” the freshman asks, looking completely terrified.
“Get out.”
“What? What hap—”
“Get the FUCK OUT!” I scream. The ringing in my ears is getting louder and louder, bringing forth an unimaginable anger—as it always does.
He scrambles to his feet, grabbing his clothes and running out of the room.
My chest tightens, sweat rolls down my back and face, and the room spins. “Gabe…” I gasp, reaching for something to hold me steady. “Gabe!”
My bedroom door swings open, and Derek stands there, looking mortified. “What the fuck, bro? Some kid ran out of here saying you assaulted him! What’s going on?”
“Where’s Gabe?” I whisper, a sudden wave of nausea rolling over me as everything around me speeds up. “I heard…the gun…I heard it, Derek. Where is Gabe? Where is he?”
Derek’s face falls with recognition. “Fuck, alright.”
I gasp for air, trying to keep myself from falling, but it’s no use. My body sways before tipping back too far and I hit the floor with a painful thud.
I’m paralyzed, rooted to the carpet as a panic attack ravages my soul. I can’t stop the world around me from moving a million miles per second.
I just want it to stop.
I want the pain to stop.
The world to stop.
For everything to just…stop.
“What are you doing?”