Page 31 of A Foster Fling
I roll my eyes, wanting nothing more than to leave this fucking house. I didn’t want to come here but no one else would take me. I’m too close to aging out and no one wants to adopt or foster kids who are about to be legal. I’ve seen kids younger than me get looked over simply because they’re “too old”. The system is fucked, and the people who foster and adopt are too.
Cole finally sits up, leaning against the wall closest to him, his hardened stare never leaves mine. My dick twitches with the memory of his lips on mine as I stole a little bit of his innocence the last night we were together.
It was one I never forgot.
It’s chased me every fucking day since I left.
I wanted to take all of him, every piece, not just a little kiss. We may have been young, but I felt it in my soul that he was mine.
Everything was flipped upside down when his brother took his life. It happened so fast, all of it. From his brother being taken away in a body bag, to Cole losing his youth, to me being ripped from another home, only to be bounced back and forth between orphanage and fucked up foster parents who shouldn’t even be able to handle kids like me.
I was with them for six months.
Six months of watching him.
Six months of trying to get his attention.
Six months of him ignoring me before I finally got the courage to kiss him and soak up every bit of his attention I could.
Six months, gone with the pull of a trigger.
Frank waits for Derek to move back before he feels comfortable enough to step away from me. Not like I can’t handle him on my own. I was built for this shit, made by men who thought beating on little kids would be a fun way to pass time, and by other foster kids who needed someone smaller than them to let their anger out on.
“Liam, you have my number if you need anything at all. Ms. Harris, please don’t hesitate to reach out if this becomes—too much or something happens.” Frank gathers his things. “I’ll be back in two weeks to check on you.”
“I’ll walk you to the door. Thank you, Frank. It really means a…” Their voices fade as they exit the room, leaving us alone.
“This should be fun.” I remark, looking between them. His friend gets his panties in a twist, but before he can act like a big bad wolf, Cole stops him, grabbing the hem of his loose board shorts.
“It’s fine, Derek. I think you should go; Mags is waiting.” Cole slowly stands up. As he does, I use the opportunity to take him in and how much time has changed him.
How his once small shoulders now widen his stance, making him look more intimidating than he is. How his once soft face is now covered in stubble and hardened with a sharp jaw line. How his once thin figure is now full of lean muscles and tattoos.
He isn’t the thirteen-year-old boy I used to pine after, that’s for sure.
“You sure? I can call Maggie and have her stay there tonight.”
Cole nods. “Yeah. I’ll be over later. Tell her I owe her a practice.”
With that, Derek reluctantly leaves, giving me a once over before doing so.
We’re now alone, and the kitchen seems much smaller than before. We’re locked in a staring match, almost as though if either one of us blinks, the other will disappear. He looks like he hates me, like what happened that night is my fault.
Cole squares his shoulders, stalks toward me, and stands mere inches away from me, our noses almost touching.
“I don’t want you here. You should’ve left with Frank.” Cole states coldly. His words sting a little, but if he wants to be mad at me, so be it. Two can play that game.
“I think thisstrayhas found it’s home.”
Chapter Five
Four Years Ago
“Well, his mom is just another junkie, you know. Same old sad story,” I hear Frank mumble. Trying my hardest to keep my cool I don’t say anything. This isn’t the first time Frank’s come to take me away and place me into a foster home. I’m sure it won’t be the last, either.
“Great. I’ll be there in twenty.” Frank places the phone back on the receiver and looks at me. “I found someone to take you in. She’s a very sweet lady with two other boys. I think you might like them “