Page 47 of A Foster Fling
“Did you and Gabe ever…” I have to stop myself from finishing the question because the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach.He wouldn’t do that, right? Go after me while fucking my brother?Gabe wasn’t gay, not that I knew of. The whole idea seems ridiculous, but apparently my imagination would suggest otherwise.
I shake my head, trying to rid it of the thoughts running rampant.
Liam stops walking, pulling me toward him. He looks at me, really looks at me, as if he’s trying to carefully place his next words. “It was you I was after.”
It’s not a yes or a no, and I don’t like how his response feels so open. Like the answer isn’t definite.
His answer does nothing to quiet the storm brewing inside. A plethora of new questions form, making it hard to believe him.
As much as I want to press the matter, I don’t. I just tuck the thought away into a little box in my head and make a mental note to figure this all out later. I thought being with Liam would be some sort of salvation for me.
Now I’m not so sure.
Author’s Note
Such an open ending there. Don’t worry! Their story is still in works and will be released in full soon! Just…try not to kill me while you wait!
About the Author
Jordain Knolls is an up and coming Indie Author. She has a big heart and a foul mouth. She craves the creative things in life. She currently lives in Saint Augustine, Florida with her three kids, two dogs, and husband.
If you would like to get to know her a little better, feel free to follow her on social media!
The Tower
C.A. Rene
In the center of a meadow, surrounded by thick forest, stands a magnificent tower.
Its thick stone walls are impenetrable, and its windows are too high to see inside.
Flowers grow tall around the base, shedding their colorful shadows against the gray walls,
as if climbing upward to touch the roof.
There are many rumors about this structure’s existence.
No one has seen it, but it’s believed to be hidden behind a witch’s spell.
A place where she keeps her most coveted prize.
A prize whose power is that of fairy tales, the chance to live forever.
The fountain of youth.
Many have tried to find it, searched the woods for days on end,
only to end up back where they started.
Because nothing compares to the allure of everlasting life.