Page 52 of A Foster Fling
“I know.” I chew into my lip again to stave off the need to wiggle in my seat.
“The things we did last time,” she leans forward. “Should never be experienced between blood relatives, unless they possess bad blood.”
“Bad blood?”
“Sometimes, carnal urges come from those who share your blood, like a father or a brother, for instance, and they can’t control themselves, even though it is the worst offense.”
“I see.” I look toward the window, my mind skipping to the man who traveled through the woods. “Some men possess bad blood.”
“Women too,” she murmurs.
“But not us.” I look into her mismatched eyes.
“No.” She stands from her chair, her hips swinging as she saunters toward me. “We don’t share blood.”
She falls to her knees in front of me, her hands resting on my thighs over my skirt, and begins to gather the fabric slowly in her palms. My heart skips inside my chest as I watch her slowly reveal my legs. Her long, black nails scrape along my skin, moving closer and closer to the apex of my thighs.
“I can smell how aroused you are,” she purrs. “How long have you been feeling this way?”
“A while,” I confess, just as those fingers drag along my soaked panties.
She forces a breath out through her teeth in a loud hiss, her strange eyes darkening at what her fingers are feeling.
Pearl grips the fabric between her long taloned fingers and rips it clean from my body, pulling a scream from my throat at the sudden aggressiveness. Her pink tongue snakes out and runs along her lips, a purr vibrating up from her chest.
“You can call me mother now.” She gives me a glimpse of the fire in her eyes as she dips her head down between my legs.
The thought of calling her mother as her breath hits my wet center feels so forbidden, but my lips part, and the sound travels out as I say, “Mother.”
The feel of her tongue dragging along my most private parts has my head hitting the back of the chair and my legs widening for her mouth. The sounds of her eating my pussy are loud as they bounce off the stone walls. Sucking, licking, moaning and slurping.
Then Pearl finds the exact spot that makes me see stars whenever I rub into it, and she concentrates there, slipping two of her sharp nails deep inside of me at the same time. There’s a slight pinch of pain, but soon enough, it disappears, and I’m careening toward the edge of an abyss I’ve never experienced before.
“Pearl… Mother…” My words are incoherent and jumbled as I try to relay what it is she’s making me feel. “I’m there … right there. Please, Mother.”
My fingers sink into her soft black hair and my nails sink into her scalp as I explode from the inside out. The slurping noises between my legs increase, and the tremors coursing through me are relentless.
When Pearl comes out from between my legs, I blink a few times to bring her into focus, and instead, things become hazier. She looks like she’s glowing with energy around her.
“Oh, dear,” she tsks. “I keep forgetting to take it easy on you. You’re just so damn delicious.”
I take two days to recover from what Pearl and I did at my table. The table I eat from, she herself had a meal. As much as I love the feelings she’s giving me, I’m not so sure about the days afterward where I sleep and feel like my energy is depleted.
I’m biting into a juicy apple Pearl left behind for me when I hear it again, the incessant clopping of horse hooves. It sends my heart into my throat.
He’s back.
I slide along the stone wall toward the large window and slowly lean my head to peer outside. It’s an overcast day today, not even a sliver of sunshine to lighten the surrounding meadow. But I see him.
It’s the same man, and he’s most definitely able to walk through Pearl’s wards with ease. I stand transfixed, watching, then moving out from behind the wall to stand in direct sight of him. He’s alluring, and I can’t seem to take my eyes off his face. He looks tired, and the slight curve of his shoulders gives him a defeated look.
The moment he looks up at my window, time stands still. His near-black irises, so similar to mine, look deep inside me, to my very soul. He continues on; the horse taking him across the meadow toward the thicket of trees. His eyes never leave mine, even when he’s watching from over his shoulder, the angle looking slightly uncomfortable. His hand raises as he reaches the treeline, and I find my own raising in farewell.
A sweet smile stretches across his mouth just before he disappears into the forest.
He didn’t seem bad at all.
The next day, Pearl stops in to drop off apples and some stew. Then before long, I’m laid across my bed with her face once again between my legs.