Page 68 of A Foster Fling
“You fucking one of them?”
Claire throws her half-full cup at Yesenia, who voices the exact question on all of our minds.
“I knew it.Why are you getting all defensive and shit if you’re not?”
“Shut up, Yesi.”
The bell rings, signaling the end of our lunch period. We all groan and grab our stuff, clearing the tables and walking together towards class, departing one at a time when we reach our specific doors.
Alyssa and I are the last two remaining since we both have math together at the last door of the hall. We quickly take our seats at the farthest corner and slouch in our chairs, watching the teacher stride in. He’s one of the best-looking ones in our school and Alyssa is already meowing on her side.
Mister Gonzales’ eyes smolder her way for a second before he turns around and starts writing on the whiteboard.
This ho.We laugh it off and let Mister Gonzales drone on and on about theorems involving similar triangles.
School goes by quickly and I end up walking home alone since Alyssa got detention.Right.‘Detention’.
About a few blocks from home, I hear a couple of guys yelling some profanities. Being the curious cat I am, I swiftly hide around a bush in someone’s unfenced yard and try to get closer, making sure to duck low enough so my hair doesn’t peek over.
“Fuckingfreak. I saw the way you were looking at Tony. You got the hots for him or somethin’? You got somethin’ tosay?”
My brother is quiet, his hoodie still covering his face, hands in his pocket.What the hell is wrong with him? Why is he just standing there?
The bigger guy pushes him and Jaiden’s body slams into the guy behind him, who punches his back. Lightning fast, my brother moves, and the next thing you know the guy behind him is on the ground with Jaiden on top of him swinging. The other guys jump in and I can’t see what’s happening, but the sound of flesh on flesh is louder than anything else, making me wince.Shit, I should do something.But what the hell can I do?These guys are huge. I’m barely cresting five foot three to their six feet height.
Grunts, growls, and the sound of crunching follow as all the guys begin to leave one at a time after a few more kicks at Jaiden on the ground. The biggest guy wipes his nose with the back of his hand, the crimson color stark against his light skin.
Fucking hell.
Ten minutes pass, and I sneak out from behind the bush to check on Jaiden.
“Hey.” I try to keep my voice a whisper, just in case anyone else is lingering. My brother’s face is covered in blood, and a black eye is already forming. I wince as I reach under him to try and help him up.
“Fucking leave me alone.”
“What the hell is wrong with you? I’m trying to help.”
“Fucking good that’ll do. Get out of my way, Melanie.”
“Why are you like this?”
He’s already standing up straight, throwing his hood back on, concealing his battered face, and walking away from me.
Nothing. He continues to walk at a quick pace like nothing happened; like he’s not hurting with every move. I’m feeling second-hand pain just looking at him.
I actually have to run to even catch up, and by the time I do, he’s already stomped through the front doors of our house and gone upstairs. Our parents work together during the day, managing a small business. The house is still empty. They won't be home for another few hours.
When I reach the top of the stairs, I can already hear the restroom door slam and the water running.Fucker is so dense.How many years have I tried time and time again to be civil, and he just locks down harder than Ft. Knox?
I should stop fucking caring.I really should.It’s taking a toll on me and my mental health.
Heading to my room, I throw my backpack on the ground and start stripping from my sweater and pants. A sound has me startled. Turning around quickly, I watch Jaiden’s eyes on me. There’s so much pain there and so much pride that it pisses me off.I tried. I really did, didn’t I?He’s the one that refuses to let me in. I don’t know what to do and I’m beginning to think there’snothingI can do.
Scowling, I turn around and walk to my dresser to look for a pair of sweatpants.