Page 86 of A Foster Fling
The footsteps stop. I refuse to turn around. I feel too hot-headed right now. If he evensmellslike another girl, I’m going to—
“Where have you been?”Breathe in and out, Melanie. In and out.
“I’m home. What does it matter?”
I don’t see the knife flying out of my hand until it’s too late. The guilt assaults me but is short-lived when I see the weapon sticking on the wall and not in Jaiden’s chest.He drives me insane!
He laughs,fucking laughswith his head thrown back, and that’s when I see it. His hood falls back and what peeks through is gray hair. His black-tipped fingernails run through it and the movement makes me think of the way he would jerk my head back and force his lips on me.
I miss him.
There, I admit it. I always knew it. But my mind can finally say it.
He pulls the knife out and looks at it, a smirk still plastered on his face.
“You would have ended the misery, you know?” He turns his head to me and my face flushes. “Sucks you’re such a bad shot.”
Growling, I turn to grab something else to throw but his laughter is already going up the stairs.
He changes while I finish setting the table. We eat in silence, but our eyes catch each other back and forth. Who is he today?
“What’s her name?”
He snorts and keeps on eating.
“Jaiden. You need to end my misery. What. The. Fuck. Is. Her. Name?”
“You’re joking, right? Are you that dense?”
My hand grips my fork harder and his eyes glance to it and back. A smile creeps up, and I feel that ugly emotion crawling up my throat again.
“You and Yesi make up yet?”
First Claire, now this?Why is he bringing her name up? I was pissed about Yesi saying Jaiden was bi because it perked the rest of the girls’ interest. I don’t need them to be interested in someone that doesn’t belong to them.
“Are you fucking Yesi?” I knew it—her opening her big fat mouth was fucking trouble. I should have fucking bashed her head in, too!
What the hell am I saying? Why am I like this? Why does the thought of some other girl touching his hair make me fist my hand so hard I’m probably piercing skin?
Jaiden chuckles, gets up, and takes his plate into the kitchen. I’m left here seething at the new information.
A laugh burst out of me. He thinks he’s playing me. Oh, Jaiden doesn’t know what’s coming for him.
He’s left the room again tonight. I wait, laying there, thinking about all that’s happened. Our parents will be home in the next couple of days. Time is running out. It has to be now. My hands roam across my chest, pinching at my nipples. I press my lips together to stifle any sound that might escape.
Thoughts of his dick inside of me make my pussy throb around nothingness — the ache he’s left me in since our last time together. How cruel can one be to create a beast and then starve it, leaving it to fend for itself? He doesn’t know it and probably doesn’t care. But I’ve had to masturbate at least twice a night since he’s left our room just to get any semblance of sleep.
My fingers thread through my curls but it’s not the same. It’s not the way Jaiden does it. Every time my hand rubs my clit harder, I get so close but so far. I’m not going to find relief tonight, I just know it. I’m pissed at Jaiden. Pissed at Claire and Yesi and their big mouths. I’m going to find Yesi tomorrow and make sure she knows to stay away from my family for good.
Crawling out of bed, my bare feet barely make a sound as I creep out of the door and down the stairs. Jaiden usually sleeps in his boxers, but who knows what he’s sleeping in these days on the couch. For all I know, he’s probably leaving out the window and I’m going to find nothing but dust in his wake.
Tonight’s my lucky night, though, because there’s just enough light casting from the streetlamp to show me his silhouette. He’s got an arm draped across his face and one of his knees up. I creep closer and give myself time to stare at him.
The school freak. I thought he was gay. My friends think he’s bi. Has he been playing us all? Have I been his biggest fool? What goes on in that mind of his? What is his end game?
Tentatively, I lean in, my hands touching the skin of his abs. It flexes and I hold my breath, but Jaiden continues to sleep. Grabbing onto his waistband, I gently pull it down, only to choke on a gasp at how hard it is, peeking out from beneath the fabric.
Is he thinking of me?