Page 15 of Touched By Destiny
“Problem, Gabriel?” Richard asked tartly.
“Do you think Douglas is done getting our drinks?” Eric asked without giving Gabriel a chance to respond.
“I hope so,” Maribeth replied. “Let’s go find him.”
“Then get back on the dance floor,” Eric insisted.
“Well done,” Richard whispered close to his ear as they marched ahead of a glowering Gabriel.
Heart heavy and spirits low, Eric led the charge to the bar but wished he were anywhere other than the club. Or maybe it was just Gabriel’s presence he wished to escape. Eric hoped he could hold himself together for the next hour. Then he’d mourn losing his dream of having Gabriel as a soulmate mere seconds after discovering they were destined for each other.
Douglas awaited them at the bar and handed Eric his preferred drink—a dirty martini. Taking it, Eric barely had it to his lips when Richard grabbed the attention of the bartender and ordered two rounds of shots for everyone but Maribeth. Richard snagged the glass out of her hand and handed it to Eric.
“Go buy your girl a drink, and if you’re not back in an hour, I want all the details tomorrow,” Richard ordered. “Sooner if she’s your soulmate.”
Maribeth kissed Eric’s cheek. “I’ll be back.”
The three men watched her leave, then Richard polished off his own martini. “She’s such a liar. We won’t see that girl until morning.”
Although Eric would’ve preferred to moon at the bar and wash away his memories with more alcohol, he wasn’t given achoice. Richard insisted he finish two martinis and a couple of shots, then dragged him toward the dance floor. Eric’s vision was a bit blurry, but his magic never allowed him to enjoy a buzz or being drunk long. By the time sixty minutes had passed, his head was nearly clear, and his entire body was tensing at the thought of spending the next half hour in a car with Gabriel.
As Richard had predicted, Maribeth was nowhere to be found, and Eric silently applauded her for enjoying her night. Eric hated the way he was hurting, but he didn’t regret losing his virginity or that he’d given it to Gabriel—despite the distance in his green gaze afterward. They walked outside and hugged Douglas goodnight, then Gabriel hauled the car door open.
Richard climbed in first, and Eric followed him. The order in which they entered the car had been drummed into his head for so long, Eric had already known he’d be in the middle. Normally, sitting between Richard and Gabriel wasn’t an issue, and Eric even enjoyed the closeness of his best friend and the man he’d lost his heart to, but tonight was different.
“I’ll be up front,” Gabriel said, shutting the door after Eric forcefully.
Richard’s mouth fell open. “He what?”
“I guess he’s going to sit up front,” Eric replied with a shrug.
“B-but he…what the…this man hardly lets you piss without an audience when we’re in public, and now he’s sitting up front?” Richard sputtered.
Gabriel slid into the car and hit a button so a divider slid up between the front of the limousine and the back.
Next to Eric, Richard slouched against the smooth leather cushions and let out a smoky chuckle. “Darling brother, do you still think Gabriel is indifferent to you?”
“No, I think he’s pretty disgusted by what happened and now he can’t stand the sight of me,” Eric muttered, his shoulders slumping.
Richard patted Eric’s leg. “Not a chance in hell, baby. That is a man with all kinds of emotions he’s not sure how to handle. You’re dangerous, and he’s finally realized it. He’s lucky too. If he weren’t confused and overwhelmed, I’d be more inclined to make his life a living hell. As it is, I’ll only make him suffer mildly for hurting you.”
A spark of hope bloomed in the darkness that had spread across Eric’s chest in the aftermath of his hot coupling with Gabriel. “Do you really think he’s freaking out?”
“You’ve been dreaming of being his soulmate since you were twelve. He’s had an hour to get used to it. But don’t be nice to him. He was careless with your feelings. Until he’s apologized and resolved to treat as you deserve, be aloof but not cruel, okay?”
“I hated the way he looked at me. And his voice was so flat.”
“Good, find your anger. He deserves it. And remember, we have plans to make. We won’t accept defeat; your happiness is too important.”
As Eric relived those awful moments, he nursed his fury. Richard was right. If Gabriel’s head was spinning, he could’ve just told Eric that. They were friends, or so had Eric thought. He would’ve understood. Instead of hurt, disappointment, and a deep sense of loneliness, Eric could be sitting in the car with his soulmate, trying to figure out how to navigate their future.
Lost in his thoughts, Eric leaned his head on Richard’s shoulder as the tires ate up the miles between the Vegas strip and their beautiful home. Long before Eric was ready, the car stopped, and Gabriel was there, pulling the door open for him.
“Can I have a moment to speak with you before you go inside?” Gabriel asked once Eric stepped out, his face still a blank mask.
“About what?” Richard asked.
“I need to speak to Ericalone,” Gabriel replied, a bite in his tone.