Page 33 of Touched By Destiny
“We’re lucky, you know. You’ve never had a choice about who’s in your life. I’ve always been grateful we get along so well,” Richard replied, then smirked. “I’d really hate having to constantly pretend I like you. But seriously, you’re smart and you won’t let him break you. Remember, soulmates are forever. Take your time. Rebuild what little time you’ve lost together. Figure out if it’s right before you irrevocably combine your lives. That’ll give him time to adjust. And if we hit a snag, we’ll build another plan. There’s always a tactic out there to get things perfect.”
“That’s my plan. And I’m grateful too. My older brother could’ve been a complete dick, but I have you. Fierce, thoughtful, caring, and always supportive.”
“Don’t start complimenting me. Especially right before bed. I’ll have these dreams of a super me bringing nothing but joy to the world and wake up to reality. I’m a persnickety, cynical necromancer, completely robbed in the height department.”
“Don’t forget you’re also an uncompromising perfectionist. But you need to stop being so picky about men.You’re never going to meet your soulmate if you won’t even put yourself out there.”
“Eric, I don’t think I want one. I hate saying that to you because I know you love the idea so much. But I don’t. The thought of risking my heart or dealing with the responsibility of being a partner and soulmate…it’s…well, I can’t find an upside.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, and stop giving me that look. Don’t pity me or feel bad for the faceless man you want me to stumble upon and discover is my soulmate. I enjoy being single.”
“Are you going to just give up sex forever?”
“Sex isn’t everything, and I can be happy on my own.”
“I don’t believe it’s necessary to have another person in your life to be happy. To have genuine joy. I just want you to have everything and more.”
“What I need is better sex toys,” Richard said, biting into a second cookie.
A hot image popped into Eric’s head of Gabriel sliding a dildo into him, and he nearly had to bite back a moan. “Maybe we should buy some together.”
“Do that with Gabriel,” Richard said. “You know how long I take to buy stuff; I’ll need my full concentration. I have a couple now, and I’d describe them as mediocre.”
“Persnickety. Fastidious. Picky.”
“How many more synonyms are you going to spew? Yes, I know. I’m hard to please.”
“You’re also caring, talented, and giving.”
“Eat your cookies.”
“And bossy.”
“So is your soulmate,” Richard retorted.
“He said I’m always beautiful but tonight I’m delicious.”
“I told you that outfit was perfect for you. Wear those new blue shorts I bought you on Monday. The ones with the ivory flowers. They really show off your ass.”
“I’m going to miss shorts season.”
“Gabriel will appreciate not having to sweat in his suit while you help your spirits once the weather cools a little more,” Richard replied. “And you’ve got an entire closet of skinny pants to keep him on his toes.”
“Why do you think necromancers only use one crystal at a time to teleport somewhere?”
“I’m not sure. I can’t even remember the last time I used one. Sometimes I’m tempted to put one in my office so I can rush over to check on things or clear up an issue that inevitably pops up with any given event, but I don’t want to have to explain to anyone how I arrived at work so fast. Or pop in to give the cleaning crew a fright and expose our people to everyone.”
“I’m gonna try it and stick one in my room.”
“It would make hopping on Gabriel’s dick easier if no one saw you leaving his place.”
Eric sighed. “I still haven’t had the chance to hop on his dick.”
“Don’t look at me for pointers. I tried it once. It was awkward and slightly painful despite stretching myself before I even left the house, and I didn’t come.”
“Mom says it’s different with your soulmate.”