Page 41 of Touched By Destiny
Gabriel flashed a grin and held out a hand. Without a word, Eric pulled a silver crystal out of his pocket and gave it to him. The others he’d made were already destroyed, so Ericwould have to keep sneaking back into his parents’ mansion whenever he visited Gabriel’s house.
After pocketing the crystal, Gabriel patted it. “Come over later?”
“I’d love too.”
“Let’s head to the dining room before anyone spots us here and wonders why we’re avoiding the rest of the family.”
Displeased by the reminder of the secret they were keeping, Eric nodded and led Gabriel through the house. Unsurprisingly, the rest of the Marwoods were already chatting in the kitchen and great room, but Eric didn’t stop to talk to anyone. Neither did Gabriel. They headed into the formal dining room, and the table gleamed under a silver chandelier.
In his mother’s favored decorating combination of black and white, the dining room was elegant, and the long table was laden with white china and sparkling crystal. Since Eric didn’t want any lingering awkwardness between him and Gabriel, he turned and went with levity.
“Did you ever do anything gross like change my diaper?” Eric asked and laughed at the shocked expression on Gabriel’s normally stoic face. There was no use being sad they couldn’t announce their soulbinding to everyone. Eric had agreed to take things slowly, and he didn’t regret his choice.
“No. No, I didn’t. Although your parents followed whenever the military moved me, I was only around on some weekends and holidays until you were three and my enlistment was done. Thankfully, you were already potty-trained. I’ve never changed a diaper.”
“Oh, good,” Richard said, sailing into the room in skinny black pants and a silky dress shirt in a muted floral pattern. His outfit looked as neatly pressed as if he’d just pulled it on instead of donning it early that morning before heading to work. “I overheard Eric’s question and feared maybe you’d changed minetoo. And if you had, I’d pack up my things and move to another country.”
“Richard, dear, why are you threatening to move away?” their mother asked as she strolled in with the rest of their family.
Grabbing a bottle of wine off the buffet nestled against the wall, Richard expertly uncorked it and snagged a glass from the table. “I feared Gabriel had changed my diapers.”
“We certainly didn’t expect Gabriel to handle nursery duties when you three were babies,” Rosalind chided and took the filled goblet Richard handed her.
“I remember powdering your bottom a few times though,” Uncle Alden remarked, then his gaze shifted to Eric. “I can’t say the same for you. After your birth, I was traveling and wasn’t around to handle diapers.”
Eric never knew what to say to his uncle, especially when anything about the past crept into the conversation. His uncle’s wife had died the same year Eric was born, so Alden had already been deep into his grieving and absent from the family. Poor Maribeth had been shuffled from house to house each time Alden took off.
Eric wished Alden had consented to give up custody of Maribeth, but he’d refused. Clark and Rosalind hadn’t wanted to alienate him from the family and had persistently hoped things would change, so they hadn’t pressed the issue.
“Dinner is probably ready,” David murmured into the strange silence that had fallen over the dining room. He scuttled out, and Rosalind was on his heels.
Richard ensured everyone had a drink, and their father encouraged them to grab their seats. Their mother didn’t allow anyone but David in the kitchen during meals, so there was no point in following them to carry something, although Eric had tried countless times in the past two decades.
Once the pair returned, dishes of salad, pasta, and bread were passed around.
“Dad, we’re so glad you’re having dinner with us again,” Maribeth gushed from the chair next to her father. “How did you enjoy LA?”
“It’s wonderful. I’ve made some great friends,” Alden replied. “One of them is a realtor, and I’m looking into property. It’d be nice to have someplace comfortable there instead of staying at a hotel or being a houseguest.”
“That’s an excellent idea,” Clark commented. “Be sure you have a guest room. Rosalind and I would love to visit. Perhaps you could introduce us to your friends.”
“Of course,” Alden said. “And I’ll make use of your guest room when I’m in Vegas.”
“Dad, we have a house,” Maribeth countered, her confusion obvious.
“I’m selling it,” Alden replied. “You’re an adult now and have a room here. I’ve been cleaning out my office at the casino. It’s no secret I’m not interested in the Marwood businesses. I have a new venture in mind, but it’s too early to discuss it with anyone yet. As soon as I’ve laid the foundation, I’ll give everyone the details.”
Maribeth’s face fell at her father’s news, and she bowed her head as she focused intently on her plate. Either Alden was oblivious or he didn’t care that he’d shattered the dreams she’d carried around since childhood of a tight family bond with him, because he ignored her and went into a deep discussion with Eric’s father about different aspects of business.
Eric’s gaze swept over to Richard, and his brother was sitting narrow-eyed with his arms crossed. His eyes moved from Alden to Maribeth and back again as his jaw clenched. The only thing keeping Richard from laying into Alden over his treatmentof Maribeth was knowing how pleased their parents were at having him around.
By the time Eric finished his meal, the room had quieted as Clark and Alden’s chat dwindled into silence.
“David, I’m caught up on the last series you recommended—what are you reading now?” Gabriel asked.
The inspirit’s head popped up, and his dark eyes glowed with excitement. Eric smiled. As an avid reader himself, Eric loved finding new treasures to read, and David had a knack for finding marvelous stories or fascinating non-fiction titles.
“I love discovering indie authors and wanted something fun,” David said. “Although the series started off a little slow, I’m on the fourth book now, and I’m so glad there’s forty of them. I’m completely hooked. It’s a fantasy and paranormal romance series.”