Page 50 of Touched By Destiny
“With plenty of whipped cream,” Clark insisted. His blue gaze was darkened with more irritation than concern. Like Gabriel, he was pissed anyone would come near the Marwoods and their home. But to keep everyone from worrying, Gabriel slapped a smile on his face and ushered everyone out of the vault. It was a shit way to start their day.
That afternoon, Eric walked into the kitchen, careful not to bump into Richard. His overprotective brother had declared himself too tired to go to the office and had spent his day pacing in the kitchen with his phone to his ear, barking orders to his staff. Richard trusted the people he and Douglas had hired, buthe worried over each detail. It had to be difficult for Richard not to be there in person to ensure every event in the conference rooms that day was progressing smoothly and on schedule.
As for Eric’s soulmate, Gabriel had moved ghost-hunting to after lunch, and his security guards were still wandering around the house.
Richard hung up and smiled at Eric. “Off to help Connor?”
“Yes, I’m waiting for Gabriel.”
“If our favorite inspirit isn’t careful, he’s going to reveal your secret,” Richard said, helping himself to a cup of coffee. Their mother was in the office aiding her husband in running his business, while David had retreated to his room to read.
“What do you mean?”
“Come on, baby, he walked into the vault and the first thing he does is ask ifyou’reokay,” Richard remarked, leaning against the counter. “We were all there, but Gabriel ignored us completely until he was sure you were fine.”
A little bubble of joy had Eric grinning. “He’s my bodyguard.”
“Hmm, and he does a damn fine job ofguardingyour body, I’m sure.”
“Shh, we’re not even having sex right now,” Eric whispered.
“But things are good.”
“Yeah,” Eric said as he thought about their evenings together. “I think so. I wish we had more time together, but I guess things are working out so far. We made out for like an hour last night too. I had the best dreams.”
“I bet he was doing way more than kissing you in them.”
“Yep. Are you going out again tonight?”
Richard blew out a breath. “I’m exhausted. Ever since Mari moved in, she’s dragged me out to the club every singlenight. She’s trying to keep her mind off her dad, and she's devoted to finding her soulmate by meeting new people, but I’m exhausted. I finally told her I needed some damn sleep, then I lay there for hours staring up at the ceiling. I work all day; rest is essential. Apparently my brain refused to understand that last night.”
“Get her to go on more dates.”
“That’s my plan. She really enjoyed herself last night despite not finding her match. I don’t know when that girl sleeps. She has twice the energy I do. I’m so fucking jealous.”
“I don’t have her energy level either,” Eric mused. “After I come home from Gabriel’s, I go straight to bed.”
“And jerk off.”
“Then I sleep like a rock.”
“Hey, don’t worry about what happened this morning,” Richard said, growing serious. “It could’ve been someone lost or at the wrong house. We don’t know why they were there, so don’t get nervous, okay?”
“You’re worried about it or you’d be at work today.”
Richard chuckled. “Yes, but you know me. I’m always anxious. And I’m the big brother; it’s my job to worry about stuff so you don’t have to.”
“You’re the best big brother, but I still don’t like random cars parked outside the house for hours. It’s too coincidental that they were hanging out in front of a house with a destiny-touched necro inside.”
“As far as the world knows, you’re the youngest son of the overprotective Marwoods.”
“Yep, the failed medium.”
“Except you’re not a failure,” Richard countered. “I know no one gets your skills, and it’s to your benefit to downplay them, but it pisses me off when you call yourself a failure. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
“You sound like Gabriel.”