Page 67 of Touched By Destiny
“Oh,” their mother said from the doorway. “Clark, don’t the children have just delightful conversations?”
“Yes, it’s always been my fondest wish to discuss the amount of dick our eldest son plans to get on Christmas Eve,” their father replied dryly from her side.
“An orgy sounds exhausting,” David remarked softly as he held out a tray of lowball glasses.
“Agreed, which is why I won’t be participating in one,” Richard answered. “But maybe Eric should give it a go.”
Eric snuck a glare at his brother as he grabbed an amaretto sour and refused to make eye contact with Gabriel. “I prefer one dick at a time.”
“Fantastic to know,” their father chimed in. “Before you go searching for your next cock, do you think you could head over to the piano so we can sing some carols?”
With a chuckle, Eric downed half his drink and led the charge to the piano. Singing carols was a Marwood tradition he loved, and even Gabriel added his husky voice to the melodies.
Chapter 28
As soon as everyone had escaped to their own rooms for the night and surely had sugarplums dancing in their heads, Eric slipped a bottle of lube into his pajama pocket and snuck into the hallway. The guest room Gabriel used was nestled among the other Marwood bedrooms because Eric’s mother never gave up hope that the inspirit would move in with them—and she wanted him right there with the rest of the family.
She’d even decorated it with deep green walls, stark white trim, and a velvet bedspread in the same luscious, verdant shade. If Gabriel had noticed that it was for him, he’d never mentioned it to Eric or any other Marwood. Not that it mattered to Eric. He wasn’t tiptoeing down the hall to discuss drapes or paint colors.
Eric stopped at Gabriel’s door and waited a full sixty seconds before knocking. It was opened almost immediately by a sexy blond in loose gray pants and a white T-shirt, which stretched across his pecs.
“What’s wrong?” Gabriel asked.
With a hand to Gabriel’s chest, Eric gently pushed him out of the way and stepped into the suite. “Nothing. Shut the door.”
Gabriel did as he was told, but there was still concern in his eyes as he asked, “What’s going on?”
“I decided I wanted a present early this year.”
“Really?” Gabriel asked, crossing his arms. “That’s a problem since all the gifts are downstairs.”
Eric stepped closer to Gabriel and tangled his fingers in the inspirit’s hair. He brushed their lips together. “Everything I need is in this room.”
“Do you think it’s wise to have sex with your parents a couple of rooms away?” Gabriel asked, though he’d relaxed his arms and cupped Eric’s ass in his big palms. Their dicks brushed, and Eric was glad he’d gone without underwear. He was so ready to be fucked by Gabriel, he wanted as few barriers between them as possible.
“Given how much making out they were doing in the living room, I doubt they care that anyone else even lives in this house right now.”
“Then maybe you should get on the bed so I can suck your cock,” Gabriel murmured close to his ear, then bit down on Eric’s lobe.
“I have a better idea.”
Gabriel licked Eric’s top lip and kissed him deeply before he replied, “Do tell.”
“Fuck me,” Eric demanded.
“Are you sure? It might not be that pleasant the first time.”
“My parents assure me it’s different for soulmates.”
Although Gabriel appeared skeptical, he made no comment as he took Eric’s hand and led him to the wide bed. The covers were already pulled down but weren’t rumpled,so Eric assumed he hadn’t dragged Gabriel from underneath them to answer the door. While Eric’s mind meandered to inconsequential things, Gabriel tugged Eric’s shirt over his head and tossed it aside.
Eric got goosebumps, and he shivered, but it had nothing to do with the temperature in the room. Gabriel had barely touched him, and Eric was already hard. The only question Eric had about his plan was whether he’d have the stamina to keep from coming before he finally had Gabriel inside him.
Needing to see him, Eric tugged Gabriel’s T-shirt up and, once it was off, slid his palms over those lovely, furry pecs. But when he tried to move farther south, Gabriel stepped out of reach. Eric opened his mouth to protest, but his lips curved as Gabriel dropped his pants. His cock was already rigid, and the head was an angry red.
“Get on the bed,” Gabriel ordered huskily.
It was an invitation Eric couldn’t resist, and he dragged his pajamas off. But not before he grabbed the slick out of his pocket and slapped it on the glass-and-metal nightstand. Gabriel came down on top of him, and Eric delighted in the heavy feel of his body. Quickly wrapping Gabriel in his arms, Eric lifted his chin and eagerly met Gabriel’s kiss.