Page 28 of Hate You Up Close
It’s been three weeks at Ace Financial, and honestly, not much has changed at all.
Elliot still thinks the world revolves around him, and I still haven't found another job opportunity.
I’ve spent countless nights applying to loads of open positions, but I haven't received a call back on a single one. I have Elliot under the impression that I’m here to stay, which is ironic because nothing would make me happier than accepting another job offer.
Fake it till you make it.That’s been my motto since I first met him.
He doesn't have to know that I’ve been losing sleep, hoping and praying for another company to call me. But until I find a way out, I’m going to continue to be Elliot’s worst nightmare. And I’m going to love every second of making his life a living hell.
My flats splash against rainbow puddles on the wetpavement as a large SUV comes rushing by, cascading water all over me.
“Slow down, asshole!” I shout angrily as they speed away, even though I know they can’t hear me.
I look down at my blush pink dress, the thin chiffon sticking to my body like a second skin. My hair is soaked and falling around my face in dark tendrils, acting as a makeshift umbrella. I was in a hurry this morning and didn't think to check the weather today before deciding to walk to work.
Thunder booms as a bolt of lightning cracks through the sky, causing my shoulders to jump and my feet to pick up speed. Rain pours from the sky in heavy sheets, slapping against my skin like little pebbles.
Work mentally and physically drained me today, but I guess the universe decided that wasn't enough torture for one day.
You’re almost home, I tell myself.You’ll be dry and cuddled up with Spooky before you know it.
Without checking the Maps app on my phone, I know I have around ten minutes left until I make it home, which feels like an eternity when you’re trudging through a downpour.
I’m two seconds away from saying “fuck it” and requesting an Uber when a black Range Rover screeches on its brakes beside me. I turn to my head to the right, seeing that there’s nothing but a brick wall beside me. The driver isn't stopping in front of a store or apartment building, so they’re clearly trying to get my attention.
Thick clouds cover the setting sun, making the streets appear darker than usual at this time. In the short time I’ve lived here, I’ve grown to love Dallas. But it’s not a city that you want to be wandering around in the dark, especially downtown. It’s starting to really get dark out now, causing mystomach to knot with red flags. I begin speed walking while keeping my gaze glued to the pavement.
Don’t look up. Whatever you do, don’t look up. Pay them no attention.
“Hey!” a deep voice shouts.
Keep walking.
“Hey! Stop!” they repeat louder.
No, Roxy. Keep your head down and don’t look up. Walk faster, or you’ll be the next woman going missing on the Investigation Discovery channel.
There’s a CVS a few blocks ahead. I just need to make it there safely so I can go inside and request an Uber.
“I’m trying to help you!” they roar through the heavy rain.
Just drown them out. They’re nothing but background noise.
“Roxanne!”the mysterious person bellows. Their familiar voice sends a warm, yet comforting tingle down my spine.
Finally, I halt my steps, my chest heaving up and down as I find my boss staring at me through the open window of his flashy car.
Elliot Thompson.
Of course, he drives a Range Rover.
“What the hell are you doing out here?” he scolds through furrowed brows.
I place a hand on my hip as rain slaps against my cheeks.