Page 97 of Hate You Up Close
That’s definitelynotthe kind of message I was expecting. I was thinking more along the lines of,“I booked you a plane ticket home. It’s in your email. Oh, and by the way, you’re fired.”
I quickly text back.
What’s going on? Where are you?
Like he was waiting by his phone for my text, he replies within seconds.
Awe. Are you worried about me? I have to admit, that’s kind of cute.
He adds a winky face emoji at the end of his message.
Cocky bastard.
This isn't funny, Elliot. Where are you? We’re supposed to be at our meeting right now.
I’m currently at said meeting. You’re taking the day off.
What do you mean I’m off? I thought the entire reason you needed me here was so I could document the meetings.
I know how to jot down notes on paper. I’ve been doing it for years. You know why I asked you to come.
I send back an eye roll emoji.
Jealous, cocky bastard.
I kept you up late last night, so take the day for yourself. I left my card on the dresser. Go out and explore San Diego. It’s a beautiful city. I took an Uber to my meeting and left the car for you. I’ll be back at six to pick you up for dinner.
Dinner? Did I wake up in an alternate universe? One where Elliot does sweet things like leave me his card, vehicle, and gives me the day off toexplore.
Are you sure you just don’t want me around Thomas all day?
You know me too well, Rox.
I never would have thought Elliot was an emoji guy, but he proves me wrong by sending a smirking face.
You need therapy. What happened to your luggage?
I dropped it off at the front desk. Leave yours in the room when you head out for the day, and text me when you head out. I’ve already notified the hotel to pick up your suitcase. We have new arrangements tonight.
I’ve never been more confused in my entire life. But if I had to put money on it, it sounds like Elliot is trying to plansomething for the two of us. God, I hate surprises. They give me anxiety. I wish he would just tell me what is happening.
Can you at least give me a hint? For example, are we flying to a different country tonight or something? I need to renew my passport.
I’m mostly kidding, but I wouldn't put it past Elliot.
Do you want me to? My plan isn’t quite that extravagant, but I can make it work.
Elliot, seriously. What the hell is going on?
You’ll find out later. Just enjoy your day. I’ve booked a dinner reservation, so be ready to go by six. And buy yourself a sexy little outfit, but not too sexy. I wouldn't want to end up in jail before we make it back to Texas.
He adds a winky face that has a tongue sticking out.
Someone needs to take away his right to use emojis.
I immediately try to call him becausewhat the fuck?It goes to voicemail after one ring. This motherfucker ignored me. I call again. He presses ignore again.