Page 28 of Between the Pipes
“I do. I would pay for this.” I point at the sketch he did of me. “Hell, you could sell coloring books, even. Think about it, NHL themed coloring book, drawn by an NHL star? Gold mine.”
“Alright, time to talk about something else,” he says, loudly. “Want to go upstairs and have sex?”
I laugh at the transparent conversation change. I’ve laughed more in these past two weeks than I have in the past two years. “Lead the way.”
I’m not sure what mad impulse compelled me to do that. I’ve never felt comfortable showing my art to anyone, and certainly not someone I’ve only known a couple of weeks. Nico, who so often has only acerbic things to say, could very easily have torn me apart just now. Instead, he’d seemed almost awed, and went so far as to ask tokeepthe damn thing. I should have taken my time, really put in a good effort. Maybe I’ll ask him if I can redo it.
He’s behind me, footfalls light on the stair runner as we head upstairs. I’m keeping a vigilant eye on the floor, making sure there aren’t any shoes or clothes strewn about where he might trip on them. I need to be better about cleaning up. This is not a house that is suitable for the vision impaired. Bending, I snatch up a book that I left on the top step. I can’t even remember what I was going to do with that.
We get to my bedroom without incident, but my momentary elation deflates as I look over the room. Unmade bed, laundry spilling out of the hamper even though Ijustdid it, and no less than three used coffee mugs.Well, this is embarrassing.
Nico, stopped behind me, huffs a soft laugh. “This isexactlyhow I would imagine your bedroom to look.”
Stepping out of the way so he can enter, I do a quick mental calculus on the bedsheets. I think I changed those this past weekend. I wish there was a way I could surreptitiously smell one of the pillows, just to make sure.
“Sorry. I did warn you about not being as clean as you.”
“I’m clean mostly out of necessity. If things aren’t always in the same spot, I’m liable to fall and break a bone.” Nico sits onthe edge of my bed and smooths a hand over the sheets. Fucking hell, I really hope those are clean. Tomorrow morning I’m going to scrub this place down, top to bottom.
“It’ll be better next time you come around,” I promise, and his eyes meet mine. The left eye has more brown than the right. Next time I draw him, I’m adding color only to his eyes.
“So,” he says.
“So.” We stare at each other for a prolonged time. Eventually, Nico stands and unzips the collar of his half-zip shirt. Following suit, I begin undressing as well. I finish before he does, because he’s taking the time to carefully fold his clothes, while I tossed mine in the direction of the closet. I watch, openly enjoying the play of muscle beneath skin. He’s so tall and wiry, with miles of smooth skin. Eventually, watching isn’t good enough and I step closer as he’s bending forward to remove his socks.
I’m beside him when he straightens, and I take the socks from his hands and place them on his pile with everything else. Damn it all, I want to kiss him so bad. Palms on his waist, I walk him back to the bed. Finally—finally—I get to run a hand over all that skin. Fingers splayed, I trace one long line from his ribs, over his hips, and down his leg as far as I can reach. He’s hard, and I’m hard, and I want so goddamn much.
“Jesus, you’re heavy,” he says, as I lay down on top of him, and I immediately try to adjust.
“I’ll move.”
“Well, I didn’t saythat.”He lifts his head, hands holding my chest down to his, and begins kissing my neck.
I let my body drop further onto him; he grunts, but continues to mouth at my neck and shoulder and anywhere he can reach. His hands are wandering, and every place he touches makes my brain short-circuit a little bit more. When he palms my ass and pulls my groin against his own, I decide I can’tlet him have all the fun. Sliding down, I begin my own lazy exploration of his body; fingers and mouth moving in sync as I map his skin. His back arches on a soft gasp when I lightly pull at a nipple with my teeth.
Reaching down between his legs, I trace a finger over his taint, eliciting another gasp. I like that sound, so I do it again. And again.
When I close my mouth around his hard length, I cup his balls and squeeze. Hips arched, he groans. I smile around him. He’s already leaking, so I slow even further. I want to draw this out as long as humanly possible. I want to keep him here all fucking night and hear every variation of sound I can wring from him.
Removing the hand from his balls, I pull my lips away from him long enough to stick a finger into my mouth. This time, when I apply my tongue to his tip, I snake my hand down into his crease and place a fingertip on his hole. His left leg, already cocked out to the side, spreads further. He lifts his right knee without prompting, and I take it as consent.
Focusing my tongue on the sensitive head of his dick, I trace my fingertip around his hole. When I hollow my lips and suck, I push just the tip of that finger inside of him and he moans again. Mindful of the absence of lube, I don’t press any further, but pull out and push back inside in a shallow movement. I wish I’d thought to grab the lubebeforeI got him on the bed.
Regretfully, I swipe my tongue over his slit again and sit up. Practically leaping off the bed, I head into bathroom to grab the lube. When I come back, Nico’s head is turned toward the doorway. He’s flushed, heat diffusing across his cheeks and the top of his chest. He already looks debauched, and we’ve barely gotten started.
Resting again between his legs, I kiss the inside of the thigh that’s raised off the bed. When I press back against hishole, it’s with a now lubed finger. I slide easily inside, brushing across his prostate. Nico sighs, and I watch his fingers grip the sheets. Still kissing his leg, I explore lazily inside him, enjoying the way he clenches around me and the heat of his body. Every soft touch on his prostate makes him gasp, and sends a zing of electricity through me. I don’t ever want to stop hearing that sound.
After a while—a long while, if the quiver in Nico’s muscles, and the sheen of perspiration on his pecs is any indication—I lower my mouth back to his dick and do my best to deepthroat him. I can’t do it without gagging, but still he groans, pushing his hips up into my face. Tunneling my finger deeper inside him, I press hard against his prostate.
Abandoning the sedate pace of earlier, I massage my finger over his prostate vigorously and suck. I’m ready for it, this time, when his hips snap upward and he bumps the back of my throat. He’s leaking steadily, the salty taste of him making my mouth water for more. He’s evidently not a talker in bed, but I find I don’t care. Every groan I coax from him has me clamoring for more. I’m going to hear him gasping in my dreams.
I can tell he’s about to come, so I bear down hard, almost roughly, on his prostate. I’ve only got half his length in my mouth when he orgasms violently, coming harder and longer than he did when I gave him a blow job the first time. I don’t let up, finger pumping and throat working until his limbs go limp on the bed. He’s gasping for breath when I finally pull my hand from between his legs and let him slide from my mouth. I want to put a condom on and fuck him so badly, I almost can’t stand it.
Instead, I run my tongue over the inside of my mouth, chasing the taste of his cum. Leaning forward, hands braced on the bed by his hips, I kiss his stomach the way I’d like to kiss his mouth. Never in my life have I had sex with someone whowon’t let me kiss them, and I feel the loss acutely. I’m at his bellybutton when I feel his hand on my head.
“Come here,” he says, voice low. I go to the side, but he corrects me. “Not that way.”