Page 24 of Cupid's Last Arrow
“Dee, why do you think I picked you?” he whispers.
“Oh.” I blush, realizing he sees something in me, something that can help a god.
The closer we get to my house, the more nervous I become. How will I explain Eros’s sudden presence in my life? Carl and I never bring people over to the house. Instead, we think of it as a sacred place for us to live. Our friends and lovers—well, Carl’s lovers—meet somewhere else to have sex.
However, I can’t afford to rent a new place or live in a hotel until I work out my job training with Eros.
“How much money do you have?” I ask.
Eros quirks an eyebrow at me. “Why do you ask? Plan on fleecing me?”
I chuckle. “I don’t think I would make a good con artist if I led with that question.” I sober and admit, “It isn’t a good idea if you come with me to my place. Perhaps you can stay at a hotel.”
“I have to stay with you for now,” Eros states firmly.
Alright, so it doesn’t sound like he’s going to let up on that rule.
“What’s the problem?” he asks. “You think I can’t blend in?”
“Not at all. You blend into the world better than I do,” I say, and it’s the truth.
I glance at the car’s clock, and I realize I’m half a day earlier than I planned to be, and Carl will be at work. I can grab my essentials and insist Eros rent us a vacation house or something until he can leave me on my own.
“Just head to my house.” I wave him on.
Thirty minutes later, we pull into my driveway. I sigh as I look at the sweet piece of domestic posturing. It’s a charming suburban home with all the trimmings—manicured yard, picket fence, and almost no distinguishing characteristics from the other homes. From the outside, it looks like two normal people in love might live here, planning for the future, but it’s just two friends—one who loves the other with all her heart and the other who probably just enjoys having someone safe around to fill the void.
Now, I’m an employee of a love god. I no longer fit here, if I ever did.
Eros moves to get out of the car, but I catch his arm to stop him.
“No. I will just drop off my extra gear and grab some things for the next few days. I won’t be long.” I pat his arm to make sure he doesn’t take it personally.
“Dee?” His face crinkles in confusion. “What’s up? Why don’t you want me in your house? Do I offend you that much?”
“That’s not it,” I explain. “My roommate doesn’t allow guests over.”
“Controlling.” He frowns. “Even if I just help you unload your stuff?”
“Yeah.” I shrug. “You can help me with it up to the door, then maybe you can find a place for us to stay for however long you need to train me.”
He nods as he jumps out and carries some of the heavier bags to the front door.
I unlock the door and carry my suitcase into my room so I can change out Eros’s new clothes for some fresh clothes from my own wardrobe. With all the change, I needed some of my favorite jeans and tees instead of the fancy stuff Eros acquired for me.
Fortunately, he’s obediently staying at the threshold and tapping away on his phone. I hope he can find something available right away. I need a nap after my restless night.
Sniffing the air, I note an unfamiliar smell. I also notice the windows are open, airing out the house. That’s weird on two counts.
I toss my suitcase on my bed and then freeze when I see a pile of framed photos set on my desk. They are from around the house and feature Carl and me together and some of my family. Why are they piled in my room?
I run back out to the living room and note the photos with just Carl and his family are still out. Is Carl kicking me out, and this is his passive-aggressive way of notifying me? I thought we were okay, but what if he is tired of our arrangement? I didn’t even pry that hard about his girlfriend.
With my suspicions growing, I hurry down the hall to his room and the bathroom Carl uses. I smell a new body wash. I glance down at the trash can and see a tiny ball of long blonde hair.