Page 65 of Fateful Allure
“Let me go!” I shout, moving to kick at Ryder as Blaise holds me against him with his chest pressed against my back.
I clip Ryder in the leg, but it’s in no way satisfying.
“Hey,” Reece attempts to play mediator as he leans forward, but I swiftly kick at him and nail him in the arm. “Jesus Christ, Al,” Reece says in pure shock as he leans away at my attempt to kick him again.
“Just let me out of the car,” I ramble as my anxiety overwhelms me and everything that’s happening becomes merely a haze.
“We can’t,” Blaise says, his breath caressing my ear. “It’s not safe, baby.”
“Stop calling me baby,” I whisper as tears stream from my eyes. “I just want out of here … I just want out of here … Just let me out…”
Reece’s expression floods with pain and remorse as I start to cry while Ryder sits in the seat with his hands balled into fists.
Blaise cups my cheek and rotates my face toward his chest. Then he turns my body so I’m facing him and pulls me against him. I should push away, but I’m too exhausted to do anything but bury my face into his chest and cry.
I know they were going to tell me things. Maybe give me answers to why all of this had happened.
But right now, all I want to do is mourn the loss of the life I’ll never have.
I’ve been waiting for years for the time when I could hold her again, but I never anticipated it’d be like this—her crying into my shirt while she completely breaks down. I’m a part of the catalysts behind those tears, and I think seeing her cry is leaving all of us in a state of shock. I mean, we knew she’d be angry, but it’s more than that. Allura is in pain. Excruciating pain.
“Shh …” I keep whispering as I smooth my hand over the back of her head, trying not to cry myself. The sound of her wrenching sobs is breaking my already fractured soul apart, piece by piece, until I’m unsure if anything is going to be left.
Reece is struggling to endure it, too, as he stares down at his hands while taking quiet breaths. Ryder has his eyes on her, and he flinches every so often. He has his arms folded, and his hands tucked underneath his armpits, I’m guessing to stop himself from grabbing her from me. I can tell he wants to so he can attempt to hug her pain away. He won’t, though, mainly because Allura will try to kick or hit him again.
None of us speak for the entire drive back to our place, one that the three of us picked out. Our fathers gave us a handful of locations to which we could live, all located in one of their territories. We pushed to add this one to the list. It took some effort, but after a lot of persuading, we managed to get our way, which may have been a first for us. The place is on the edge of the city and is in Allura’s father’s territory, but that’s not the reason we selected it. Half of the appeal is that it’s the farthest away from the city—and our fathers. It’s also a place we know Allura will love.
Or, well, could love, if she ever forgives us.
She is letting me hold her right now, so perhaps hope is within reach.
When the vehicle finally stops in front of the towering building, mild disappointment trickles through me that I have to let her go.
“We’re here,” Reece mumbles the obvious, his gaze descending to Allura. Frowning, he shoves the door open and climbs out, Ryder following suit.
“Can you get her out?” he asks me.
I nod, and so does he before hopping out and leaving the door open.
“Baby, we’re home, so we need to get out,” I utter softly as I sketch a path across her cheekbone with my fingers.
She clutches the bottom of my shirt. “I don’t want to.”
“I know, but we kind of have to.” I brush strands of hair out her eyes as she blinks up at me with her bloodshot eyes. “I promise the place isn’t so bad.”
“Doubtful.” She blows out an exhale and sits up, leaving my body feeling cold. She rubs her eyes with her hands then blinks a few times before scooting to the edge of the seat. She remains quiet as she gets out, which is unnerving. At least when she was yelling at all of us, it was a reaction, life, emotion. But as I exit the vehicle and step beside her, she does nothing but stare blankly at the glass entrance doors.
The moon has risenat this point, and silver and purple starlight mix with the tones of the city lights, shining down on her and reflecting in her eyes. She’s the portrait of beauty, standing in her dress that flows to the ground, her lips parted as she takes in the building before her. Strands of her hair have fallen from her braids and cascade down her bare shoulders as her head tips back to peer up at the top of the building.
While she assesses it, I assess her, all of her, including the diamond ring sparkling on her finger. It may not have gotten there how I wanted it to, but the sight of it on her finger makes my heart leap in my chest.
I skim my finger along my own ring, a symbol that I belong to her. And I do—all of me does. My mind, body, and soul.
But, while she may have that ring on her finger, she doesn’t belong to us yet, even if those papers say so. I’ll do everything in my power to change that, even if it takes the rest of my life.