Page 7 of Fateful Allure
I’m not a fun, nice guy all the time. I like to be selective. Take my time. Calculate whenever I’m about to tear someone apart. Not literally. I’m not much for inflicting pain, at least not physical. I’m a mind-fuck sort of guy. And right now, I’m deciding whether or not I want to fuck with Al.
To be the bad Reece or the good one?
Who do I need to be?
Al has known me long enough that she’s seen both sides of me. Al. Beautiful, sweet Al, who used to be one of my best friends. She didn’t know she was gorgeous back then. I’m not even sure she’s aware of that now. She’s always been beautiful. I started noticing how gorgeous she was when we were about thirteen. But it wasn’t just her big green eyes, full lips, and long legs that drew me in. It was the way she seemed to be able to cheer me up whenever I was down, the way she knew my dark secrets yet still liked me, and the way she looked at me sometimes, like I was worth something.
Then we broke her, and she never looked at me again. At least, not like that. No, from that point on, she glared at me with nothing but disdain.
I despise myself for doing it, for breaking her, but it had to be done. The question is: does it need to be done right now?
I’m not sure. I do have a ton of shit to do, but I’m curious about what my soon-to-be wife is doing behind that closed door with that guy. No, scratch that. I’m beyond fucking bothered. The need to know is eating away at me.
I need to find out what she’s doing, and then I’ll decide what to do about it.
If I’ll be the good Reece or the bad one.
I used to be the good Reece all the time, to her, anyway. Until that day. The day that started the fracturing of our friendship, which ultimately led to its shattering.
Deep down, I know I’ll have to continue to do the shattering if I’m ever going to put this game to an end and free Blaise, Ryder, myself, and Al from it all.
“You look cute today,” Reece calls out as I wander down the school hallway toward him.
I make a big show of rolling my eyes. Not that I wouldn’t be flattered if Reece were being serious, but I’ve known him forever, and he’s the kind of guy that flirts with everyone. Even one of his BFFs.
“Quit glittering me with your flirt, dude,” I say as I stop beside him.
He chuckles. “Glittering?”
I lift a shoulder. “It seems like the best word that fits your sparkling-ness.”
His eyes flick up and down my body, and a smirk plays at his pretty lips.
Yeah, Reece is pretty, and he knows it, which is why he can get away with flirting with everyone, even his bestie.
“Maybe I’d stop flirting with you if you didn’t look so damn hot,” he tells me with a smirk.
I playfully shove him. “I don’t look hot. I look grungy.”
He eyes my outfit one more time—clunky boots, knee-high stockings, cut-off shorts, and a plaid shirt over a black tank top, along with a choker and some leather bands ornamenting my wrists.
My mom had a shitfit when I left the house dressed like, as she put it, “a trashy whore.” To be honest, part of the reason I dressed like this today was because I wanted to upset her. But the other reason is that I like the way I look.
For as long as I can remember, my mom has forced me to wear designer outfits and shoes. Today was a statement. One that I’ll pay for later, but that’s okay. It might be worth it. Because today is the day I’m going to catch the attention of Porter Fellingford.
He’s in my art class, and yeah, his family isn’t part of the mafia, but I don’t care. I’ve never seen myself settling down with someone from the mafia or remaining in that world. It’s not like I even see myself settling down with Porter, either. I’m fifteen years old, for hell’s sake. I just want to go on a date with him. Or maybe a few. We can hold hands. And kiss. He has the most kissable lips—
“Earth to Al.” Reece waves his hand in front of my face, startling me.
I blink at him. “Um … what?”
He gives me a funny look, and then his gaze glides up the hallway and lands on Porter. “Why were you just staring at Porter Fellingford?”