Page 33 of Running Towards You
I knew Bo was just doing his job and what he thought was best for me, but I wasn’t some young kid who could be that easily persuaded. “I don’t know what to tell you, Bo... I need more time, so they’ll have to wait or pass. I’m not going to make a half-baked decision—there’s too much at stake right now.”
And as I spoke the words, I knew they would never be more true. I had no idea what Haley was thinking about us and our future, but I knew that this time around, I was going to fight for what I wanted. And I wanted Haley.
Amonth ago, I never would have envisioned myself running at top speed in a big, fluffy wedding dress straight to Hanalei—and Cooper’s arms.
But now we were in this weird honeymoon-like situation and I had to work extremely hard to not overthink things and just enjoy myself.
In Hawaiian it’s called Manawa: living in the moment. It’s not something that comes easily to me, despite growing up spending summers on the island. But if I embraced it, I could enjoy these sweet moments with Cooper, and not fret over how this would all inevitably fall apart or how to explain this to Tess.
I’ve had moments where flames of panic washed over me as my mind tried to figure everything out, but then I remembered where I was and how lucky I was to be here. Not to mention how strange all of this was. I mean, what were the odds that aftermy engagement crashed and burned so spectacularly and I came back to my favorite place in the world, I would land straight in the arms of the man I’d never stopped loving?
When I’d walked away from Cooper all of those years ago, I knew I would always love him, regardless of where our lives took us. That truth hasn’t changed with time, which is why I’m all too aware that I’m playing with fire here.
But all I wanted to do was enjoy every stolen kiss, every late-night walk on the beach, every spark of pleasure wrought from Cooper’s hands because God, his hands had only gotten better with age.
Plus, I couldn’t deny that I was enjoying sex more. It’s not that sex with Cooper hadn’t been absolutely fantastic when we were younger, but we both had more experience and knew what we liked better now. I also had the courage to tell him what I wanted and needed, and he was more than happy to oblige.
In fact, I was so busy reminiscing about the last time we’d been intimate, I didn’t realize I’d practically floated into the General Store.
“You’re back for more?!” Mahina called as I came through the front door.
I laughed. “Perhaps... or maybe I just need groceries for myself,” I answered. Mahina had been more than gracious to offer her stock at the store for materials for the mural and I’d definitely taken advantage of it. She was pretty surprised when I promised her I did indeed need the three pounds of kidney beans for this project.
She came into view, giving that stern smile of hers. “I would complain that you’re just taking advantage of my generosity, but I have to admit, I took a peek at the mural this morning when I went to drop some things off at the community center.”
My eyes widened. “And?” I asked anxiously. I was extremely proud of what the kids had come up with so far, so nerves raced through me as I waited for Mahina’s critique.
Her smile grew broader. “It’s even more than I could have wished for. I mean, I have to admit, I was worried when you told me the beans were for the project, but to see what you’re doing with them, it’s amazing. I was expecting hand prints and doodles, but this is really elevated.”
I couldn’t help the warm feeling that spread over me. “It was their idea. I just helped them sketch it out, but they’re the ones making this happen and I couldn’t be prouder. They’re a great group of kids.” Every time I think about the day when we can finally unveil the piece to the town of Hanalei at the Aloha Festival, I get so giddy I feel like dancing.
“You have a natural talent for getting the best out of them. I can see why you’re an art teacher. But I have a confession, Haley: I wasn’t the only one taking a peek at your work.”
“Mayor Khaled got a look too, and he wants to talk to you about it.”
Worry threaded through me. “You don’t think he approves of it?” I asked, prepared to defend that piece to the death because I knew how hard the kids had been working on it.
Mahina smiled, “I doubt it's anything like that, Haley. All he said was the next time I saw you to send you his way when you had a moment.”
“Oh,” I said, still uncertain. I hadn’t really gotten to know Mayor Khaled since I’d been back, so I didn’t know what to expect, but if Mahina was unfazed by his request, then I would take my cues from her.
“How’s your hunk next door doing?” Mahina asked as she rang up my groceries.
I felt myself blush.
“I’ll take that as a good,” she said.
“You’ll have to ask him yourself.”
She tsked. “Please, every time I see that boy, he looks like he’s floating on air, grinning from ear to ear, telling me he doesn’t kiss and tell.”
“Well, that’s a good policy to follow.”
Mahina rolled her eyes. “Y’all are no fun. Don’t you know half the fun of doing anything around here is blabbing about it later?”