Page 23 of The Next Wife
My heart thumps in my chest. Do I sound like I’m hiding something?
“Yes, I read about that. Unfortunately, news of his death leaked almost immediately. We have launched an internal investigation,” he says, white teeth visible even while frowning. I wonder if he drinks coffee. No way.
“I was surprised by the media coverage, too. But he is, was, an important man. That’s why I need to take John home, for a proper burial,” I say.
“I understand. I’ll perform the autopsy sometime tomorrow. It’s standard in a sudden death like this, especially if alcohol is involved, section A.3,” he says.
“I’d rather you not. It was a heart attack,” I say.
“It’s the law, ma’am. But I’m not expecting to find anything suspicious. Were you two perhaps drinking more than usual last night?”
I smile. “It was a special evening. Yes, we were celebrating the IPO, and well, our anniversary. It was our place. We were going to retire here.” I drop my head, momentarily unable to speak. I am embellishing the purpose of our trip, of course, but John did propose to me right here in Telluride.
“Unfortunately, we see this happen quite often. Mountain Village sits at more than 9,500 feet. You combine drinking and altitude with a heart condition, well, it can be trouble.”
“I didn’t realize,” I say. “He’d just been working so hard. I was trying to help him unwind.”
“I understand. Mrs.Nelson, if you could provide me with the name of Mr.Nelson’s cardiologist, I think I have what I need for now.”
I write down the cardiologist’s contact info. “When will I be able to take John home?”
“There’s a process, ma’am,” Officer Taylor says.
“Yes, indeed,” Dr.Welty agrees. “Once the autopsy is complete, and as long as there is nothing suspicious, we try to release the body within a couple of days. You’ll need to wait for the official death certificate before removing him from the state. Give us a week, Mrs.Nelson. We’ll be in touch.”
Dr.Welty leaves the room, and I slump into my chair. I’m trapped here, it seems. All I can do is wait and hope they don’t find anything “suspicious” that holds things up. They won’t, though, I’m certain of that. I start to cry, and across the table Officer Taylor shifts in his seat.
“Can I drop you somewhere, maybe with a friend? You’re not going to want to go back home until the scene is cleared and cleaned.”
My mind flashes to John’s body, the vomit, the smell. “I don’t know anyone here. Can you take me to a hotel?” I ask him. I didn’t realize I’d be stuck in Telluride, waiting for John. But it would look terrible if I flew home without him, so I will stay.
Officer Taylor opens the passenger door of his squad car, and I slip inside. I’m glad he didn’t make me ride in the back like a criminal. As we pull out of the parking lot, I book a room on my phone. A suite. “The Peaks, please.”
“Nice choice,” he says. “Best place on the mountain.”
Oh, I know. There are winners and losers in life. I like to stay where the winners stay.
My phone rings, but I don’t recognize the number. I almost ignore it but realize it’s a Telluride number. I’ve been stuck here in my hotel room for three days waiting for news about John. Sure, it’s a beautiful suite, but I feel trapped. I’m cranky and restless. Hoping for any information, I answer the phone.
“Mrs.Nelson. It’s Dr.Welty,” he says, and I see a big toothy grin.
My heart thumps in my chest. “Yes, hello. Have you, um, finished with John?”
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be releasing the body. The cause of death was cardiac arrest due to or as a consequence of hypertension and heart disease. The death certificate should be processed soon. Again, my condolences.”
I realize I’ve been holding my breath. “Thank you.”
“Any questions for me?” Dr.Welty asks.
“I just wait for the death certificate, and then I’ll take him home, right?” I feel as if the weight of the world is off my shoulders. I take another deep breath.
“Yes, that’s all you need to do. Take care, Mrs.Nelson,” he says and hangs up.
Well, that’s not all I need to do, not by a long shot.