Page 71 of The Next Wife
“Get out!”
I’m already down the hall.
Who is threatening me? Who put that stupid photo on John’s computer? And why did I agree to relocate to this bleak office in the back of the building? No windows. I mean, this is not fitting for my position.
John’s office is a mess, that’s why. I’ll let them clean it up, and I’ll order new furniture. Then I’ll move in. This squalid closet is temporary. I need to call George.
Someone stands in the doorway.
Ashlyn. Why hasn’t she learned her lesson yet?
“Why did you tip over Dad’s desk?” She looks at me, all innocent, like she’s never had a fit of rage in her life. I know she has, though, but her anger is more like her mom’s. Hiding away under the surface. She’d never demean herself with a public display like mine. In that sense, she is her mother’s daughter.
I drop my head and look at my hands. I have no one to blame but myself for my outburst. Someone will need to be summoned to clean up glass, to stand the desk back up. That thing is heavy. I know. I’m surprised I toppled it. Adrenaline is a powerful thing. So am I.
“Someone burglarized my office, so I had a little temper tantrum. I guess those CrossFit sessions are paying off.” I chuckle, an attemptat humor. It falls flat. I remember crumpling the threatening note and throwing it on the floor. I need to go get that. It’s evidence.
“Excuse me.”
I push past Ashlyn and hurry toward John’s office. I turn the doorknob, but it’s locked. I gave Lance the key. I can see through the glass door, though. The note I tossed on the floor is gone.
Why is Ashlyn following me?
My phone vibrates. I pull it out of my back pocket. I need to get out of here. I’m not coming back until I have a proper office. Proper respect.
It’s a text from George.Have confirmation from court. Motion was filed by daughter. Don’t worry. Stay strong.
Oh, I’m strong. That’s not a problem, Uncle George.
I turn around and face Ashlyn. I drop my voice to a menacing whisper. “I know what you did. Contesting the will. My will. You’d better stop following me. You better stop getting in my way. Do you understand? Here. And at home. I’m on to you. Don’t push me. Your car was just a warning shot. You know what I’m capable of doing. Cheers.”
As Ashlyn scampers away, I feel the menial office workers staring at me. I don’t know some of their names, never really cared to learn, but they know me. Know who I am.
“What?” I bark at two young women leaning against a wall as I turn the corner. They both jump, and that pleases me.
Sandra appears like a sentry as I reach the front offices. Running interference for Kate, I assume.
“Look, I need to speak to Jennifer. Is she in with Kate? I can talk to both of them.” My hands are on my hips. I’m not backing down.
“You’ll need to meet with her next week. I’m afraid they’ve all left for an off-site photo shoot. It’s quite exciting. They’re posing for a national magazine, a feature about the mother and daughter duo who will lead EventCo into its bright future after the untimely death of the CEO. It’s for a big national magazine.”
How dare they do this without me? I am the second Mrs.Nelson, part of the family. I feel tears fill my eyes and push them away. I don’t even understand how Kate can own 70 percent of the company when I got John’s half? I’ll need to ask George. I need someone to help me.
“I should be in that photo session. I’m leading this company into the future. I’m co-president. Tell me where the shoot is.”
Sandra tilts her head. “I can’t do that. Why don’t you see Nancy, Kate’s assistant, to make an appointment?”
“I’ll get in whenever I want. I’m co-president.” Are people dense? Do I need to print copies of the will and show it to everyone? I don’t care what Kate says or what fancy math she’s trying to use, I own half.
Sandra speaks again. “Your title is not co-president. The new will didn’t stipulate a position. It just provided you with ownership. There really is no reason for you to be here. You don’t have a job. You resigned as an assistant, remember? But if you insist on coming in, that’s where you’ll be. Back in the closet. Understood?”
“Whatever.” I am so mad right now, I could punch her. Hard.
“Oh, and I’ve opened a file on you. An employee has charged you with harassment. We take those allegations seriously here at EventCo.”