Page 13 of The Con Artist
“You sold it?” he spoke in a calm tone. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Someone you never should have trusted,” I replied as I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen for a glass of wine.
He didn’t follow me out of the bedroom and that concerned me. I needed him out of my apartment. As I was pouring a glass of wine, I heard all kinds of noises coming from the bedroom. When I ran to see what was going on, he was in the middle of ransacking my room. All my dresser drawers were opened, and my lingerie and clothes were all over the floor.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I yelled when I found him in my closet grabbing the black leather briefcase I had hidden on a shelf behind my long dresses.
“What’s with all the wigs, Hannah?”
“Give me that!” I tried to grab the briefcase from his hand as he pushed me back and I fell against the closet door.
He threw it on the bed and opened it.
“What the fuck?” He turned his head and looked at me. “Hannah Greaves. Amy Frankel, Becca Wright, Thea Turner, Gizelle Carrington.” He rattled off each name as he threw my passports one by one on the bed. “Jenny Smith, Briana Holmes, Diana Vermander, Nicole Potts. My god. I can’t believe this.”
“I’m calling the police,” I spoke as I got up. “And I’m pressing charges against you for assault.”
“Go ahead. I won’t be the only one going to jail.” He glared at me as he sat down on the bed and folded his hands.
I stood there with my back up against the wall, plotting my next move. There had to be a way out of this. Suddenly, he jumped up from the bed and hastily walked to the hallway where I had my purse sitting on the table. I chased him and tried to grab it, but it was too late.
“You’re just a common little thief. Did you take all of this tonight?” His eyes narrowed at me as he dumped the contents of my purse on the floor.
I looked away as I stood there with my arms crossed.
“And Samuel?” he asked. “What were you hoping to get out of him? Did he give you that ring you’re wearing? Is that what you do? You find rich men, get them to fall in love with you, and then rip them off?” he shouted. “Answer me!”
I remained calm. I could get out of this situation because I was good. He wanted me once before and I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist me now. Walking over to him, I ran my finger down his chest.
“We can work this out,” I spoke in a seductive voice.
I leaned in and attempted to brush my lips against his, but he grabbed hold of both my arms and pushed me away.
“You bet we’re going to work this out. Pack a bag; you’re coming with me.”
“Excuse me? Where?”
“To my house.”
“You’re crazy. I’m not leaving with you.”
“One night. That’s all I ask.” His demeanor and tone of voice changed. “One night for thirty thousand dollars. If you agree to sleep with me, I will forget all of this and we’ll part ways and never see each other again.”
“Why?” I asked suspiciously.
“Because you look incredible in that dress, it’s a miracle that I’m seeing you again, and I never once stopped thinking about our encounter at the airport.”
He slowly walked towards me and ran the back of his hand down my cheek.
“I want you to stay with me for the night. It’s the least you can do to repay me for the watch you stole.”
“Then you can stay here at my place tonight,” I spoke.
“I’m more comfortable at my place. Plus, I have a couple things there I would like to try with you. After all, I need to make sure I get my thirty-thousand dollars’ worth.” He smirked.
I gulped. He was kinky and I found myself turned on. I hadn’t stopped thinking about him since that day and I couldn’t even say why.
He leaned in and softly brushed his lips against mine, nipping at my bottom lip and parting my lips with his tongue. My body was on fire and I wanted him inside me again.