Page 15 of The Con Artist
“Sir?” He cocked his head.
“No questions, Carl. I will be giving you a large cash bonus for doing this.”
I could hear the pounding on the door coming from the fifth floor. Rolling my eyes, I went back up and politely asked her to stop.
“Let me out of here, Gabriel!” she screamed.
“No can do, sweetheart. Your first mistake was stealing from me, and your second mistake was trusting me.” I smiled as I walked away.
* * *
I couldn’t believe this. He tricked me and I fucking fell for it.Damn it!I needed to get out of here. I pulled on the knob and continued to pound on the door, yelling obscenities. Walking over to the window, I lifted it up, but it stopped a few inches above the sill. Damn those fucking child safety windows. I could scream out the window with the hopes that the neighbors would hear me, but if they called the cops, I’d go to jail with him. He’d send them right to my apartment and they’d find all my fake passports. I was trapped in this beautifully decorated room with nothing but a TV for my entertainment. I was tired. So tired and exhausted by the events of the night. He couldn’t leave me in here. He’d be back in the morning to let me out. I knew he would. I decided to make the best of the situation I was in and take a hot bath in the oversized Jacuzzi tub to plan my next move.
* * *
The pounding and relentless yelling stopped. She called me every name in the book and then some. I sat on the couch with a bourbon in my hand. What was I going to do with her? I wanted my watch or the money back. This little con artist was going to learn that it wasn’t nice to steal from people. As I sat there sipping my drink, I wondered what she was doing. Why did I care? Was she crying? Doubted it. From what I could tell, she didn’t have a sensitive bone in her body. It was apparent she made a living by conning people and Samuel Coldwater was her latest victim. She was smart; incredibly smart, and it was a shame she wasted her intelligence by doing what she did. Actually, it made me sick.
* * *
Before climbing into the tub, I pulled off my wig and let down my long blonde hair. When I took out my colored contacts, my eyes returned to the blue color they were. I leaned over the sink and pulled off my latex prosthetic nose and set it on the counter. Looking in the mirror, I stared at my natural self. The men I dated never saw the real me. They only saw what I wanted them to see. But come tomorrow morning, I would reveal my true self to Gabriel. Wouldn’t he be surprised when he found out I wasn’t his type at all. Long brown wavy hair and rich chocolate eyes. It didn’t matter. He already hated me for what I’d done, and I hated him for locking me up in this room like a prisoner.
* * *
I tossed and turned all night waiting for the pounding and screaming to start again, but it didn’t. She kept quiet. I was worried. Would she do something stupid? Nah. She was too strong of a woman to do that. She was plotting her escape. A woman like that wouldn’t just sit back and take what I’d done to her lightly. I grabbed the key to the room off my nightstand and went to check on her. I needed to be careful because she could be hiding behind the door waiting to hit me over the head with something and escape. We needed to talk.
After unlocking the door, I slowly opened it and stood in the doorway and stared at the woman who was sound asleep in bed. I smiled at how her long blonde hair lay over her shoulders as she slept soundly on her side. The sad part was that she was beautiful no matter what color her hair was.
I turned around and headed downstairs, leaving the door open so she could come down when she woke up. She’d try to leave, but I had the place secured so leaving wasn’t an option. I called Grace last night and told her not to come today. I first needed to assess this situation with Hannah or whatever her name was. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed some eggs and vegetables from the fridge and began to cut them up for an omelet. As I was chopping away, my phone rang. It was my secretary, Lu, calling.
“What’s up, Lu?”
“Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Quinn, but you missed your meeting this morning.”
“Shit. I forgot about it. Reschedule for another time and I won’t be in the office today. If anything comes up, have Thaddeus handle it.”
“Yes, sir. Enjoy your day.”
“Thanks, Lu, you too.”
I went back to chopping the vegetables and heard a voice enter the kitchen.
“You do realize you left the door open, right?” she spoke.
“Yes. I know,” I replied as I looked up and stared at the beautiful woman with the long blonde wavy hair and blue eyes staring back at me. I gulped as my eyes raked over her from head to toe. She was wearing a nightshirt. Short sleeved, navy blue, and not long enough to cover her toned sexy legs. “Have a seat.”
“Why?” she asked as she stood there.
“Do you want breakfast or not?” I arched my brow.
“Coffee would be nice.”