Page 17 of The Con Artist
“Forget it. I don’t want toast.” I silently smiled to myself.
The toaster popped and he took the two pieces out and threw them on my plate.
“Too bad. I already made it. Eat it dry, then. I really don’t give a damn.” He scowled.
He took his plate, sat down across from me, and began eating his omelet. Fuck, he was so sexy. It could be worse, right? One way or another, I was getting out of here today and leaving New York.
“So, Gabriel, do you have a last name?” I bravely asked.
“Do you have a first?” His brow raised at me.
“I have many first names.” I smirked.
“No shit. Judging by all those passports, you must have what? Twenty or so?”
“Name?” he asked.
“What name do you want me to have?” I slyly smiled.
He slammed his fists down on the table and I flinched.
“Damn it! Why can’t you answer a simple question?” He got up from his seat and threw his plate in the sink.
He walked over to me, turned my chair around, and gripped my arms tightly with his hands. His face was mere inches from mine.
“You want to play games. Fine. I’m in. This is how it’s going to work. You stole thirty-thousand dollars from me, and I want it back. Since you seem to con so many rich men, you must have a huge bank account or stashes of money hidden somewhere. Until I get paid, you don’t leave this house. I have a high-tech security system, which will remain on at all times. If you even think about opening a door or a window, it will go off and I’ll be alerted. I have security in front of the house and in the back. You try to step one foot out of this house, they will stop you.”
“First chance I get, I’m calling the police,” I spoke.
“Go ahead. I have your briefcase full of your aliases and the keys to your apartment. I’m sure somewhere around this world you’re wanted, and your ass will be going to jail for a very long time,” he spoke deadpan.
“I don’t have thirty thousand dollars.” I looked away. “I can give you the ring Samuel gave me as partial payment.”
“No. You’re giving the ring back to him. You will not screw that poor man over. I’m sure he’s devastated enough over the fact that he can’t get hold of you. So what you’re going to do is write him a letter of apology and tell him you had to leave town, put the ring with the letter, and I will have someone deliver it to his office.”
I couldn’t help it. It was a gut reaction. I spit in his face. I hated people telling me what to do. I expected him to go into more of a rage, but he didn’t. He just grabbed the napkin off the table and wiped his face with it.
“Do that again and you’ll be sorry,” he spoke in a calm tone.
“Why is Samuel so important to you?” I asked.
“Because he’s a friend and I don’t like people fucking with my friends. Now I’m going to get you a piece of paper and a pen and you’re going to write that letter. Understand?”
“Computer,” I spoke.
“What?” His eye narrowed at me.
“No handwritten letter. It must be typed. He could have the handwriting analyzed and it could come back to me.”
“How?” he asked in confusion.
“I don’t know. But I’m not taking any chances.”
“Fine.” He grabbed my arm and led me out of the kitchen.
“Let go of me.”