Page 19 of The Con Artist
“Fine. Then mail it for overnight delivery but type his address on a label. No handwriting.”
His eyes narrowed at me. He was either delighted that I knew so much or disgusted. I couldn’t really tell. As he prepared the label, I looked around his office. Pictures of him and his dad, I presumed, sat on a bookcase that was filled with books. On his desk sat a picture of him and a younger guy, someone who was as equally as handsome as he was.
“Who’s this?” I asked as I picked up the picture.
“My brother, Caleb.”
“He’s cute. I bet he’s a real lady’s man like his brother.” I smirked.
“Put it down.”
When he moved me out of the way to open the top drawer of his desk, I caught a glimpse of something. A stack of post-it notes that read:From the desk of Gabriel Quinn.How the hell did I know that name?
“Oh my god. You’re Gabriel Quinn of Quinn Hotels,” I spoke.
“I wondered how long it was going to take you to figure that out.”
“Yeah. I’ll admit that I’m a bit disappointed in myself for not figuring it out sooner. Well, well,” I leaned back in his chair, “Mr. Gabriel Quinn is a kidnapper.”
“I’m no kidnapper. You stole something of mine, and I want it back. I’m simply keeping you around until that happens.” He pointed at me. “I’m not taking the chance of you hopping on a plane to god knows where and me never seeing my watch or my thirty thousand dollars again.”
“You have all the money in the world. Thirty thousand dollars is change to you.” I rolled my eyes.
“Believe it or not, thirty thousand dollars is a lot to me, and when someone decides to steal something of mine, I don’t take it very lightly. Let’s go.”
“Out of my office. In fact, you need to go back up to your room. I have to go out for a while.”
“Seriously? You’re going to keep me locked up in that small room while you’re gone? There’s nothing to do up there.”
“Watch TV. Same thing you’d do if you were down here. Now let’s go.”
“But the kitchen is down here. What if I get hungry or thirsty?”
He took hold of my arm (I was really getting sick of him doing that) and led me to the kitchen. Opening the pantry, he grabbed a bag of chips and some almonds. Then he walked over to the refrigerator, grabbed two bottles of water and an apple and handed them to me.
“There, you have your snacks and drink. You’ll be fine until I return.” He grabbed my arm again and took me up to my room.
“You know what? You’re a real asshole, Gabriel Quinn!” I shouted as he shut and locked the door.
Chapter 10
Isighed as I walked downstairs and headed out the door. Climbing into the limo, I dropped the envelope addressed to Samuel off at the post office and then headed to the office to pick up a file I needed so I could work from home.
“Mr. Quinn, I thought you weren’t coming in today,” Lu spoke as I walked past her desk.
“I’m only here to grab a file. Anything I should know about?”
She got up from her chair and followed me into my office.
“Your meeting from this morning has been rescheduled for Friday at nine o’clock, and Mr. Ingram called and needs to talk to you about the details of the grand opening of the hotel in Hawaii.”
“Thank you, Lu. I’ll give him a call when I get home.”
“Very well, Mr. Quinn. Enjoy the rest of your day,” she spoke.