Page 34 of The Con Artist
“I’m sorry for your loss. If you don’t mind me asking, how did he pass away?”
“Pancreatic cancer.” He set down his drink. “It was very sudden and a complete shock to all of us. When he was diagnosed, he was already in stage 4 and passed away a couple of months later.”
“That’s awful. Were the two of you close?” I asked.
“We were. But not so much him and Caleb. My father wanted both his sons to run the company, but Caleb didn’t like the silver spoon he was born with.”
“How so?” I cocked my head.
“He hates anything wealth, if that makes sense. He got kicked out of more prep schools than I could count and hung around with his own crowd. A crowd that my parents didn’t approve of.”
“Why? Because they weren’t rich enough?” I smirked.
“Pretty much. The only thing Caleb wanted to do was play music. As soon as he graduated high school, he spent the summer in Los Angeles and when he came back, he told my father he wasn’t going to college and he wanted nothing to do with Quinn Hotels.”
“I’m sure your father loved that.”
He sighed. “He kicked him out, took away his trust fund, and didn’t speak to him for five years.”
“And your mother?”
“She would try to get in contact with him, but he held her just as much responsible because she didn’t try to make my father understand. Since the funeral, they’ve started to reconnect, but they have a long way to go.”
“I can tell that the two of you are very close.”
“We are. We always have been. Music is in his soul and it’s his passion. I never have nor would I ever let anything come between us. My brother is my best friend and, honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without him.”
A small smile crossed my lips.
Chapter 16
Listening to Gabriel talk about his brother made me envious. I had always wanted a sibling or a dog because then maybe my life wouldn’t have been so lonely.
“Tell me more about you,” he spoke.
“There’s nothing more to tell.”
“I don’t believe you.” His brow raised. “What about your business? Handbags, jewelry, shoes. All the things that make a girl feel pretty.”
I bit down on my bottom lip as I stared at him.
“I don’t want to discuss that,” I spoke.
“Why? Because there is no business with handbags, jewelry, shoes, and all the things that make a girl feel pretty?”
“You know what my business is, Gabriel.”
“Ah.” He tilted his head back. “The men you con buy you handbags, jewelry, shoes, and all the things that make a girl feel pretty.”
“Yes.” I nodded.
He leaned across the table. “Tell me how you do it. How do you find these men?”
Before I could answer him, a shocked expression overtook his face as he stared over my shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.