Page 37 of The Con Artist
“You like to paint?”
“Fine. Make a list of what you need, and I’ll send someone to get it and have the supplies back here later today. And when I get home tonight, we’re going to sit down and have a little chat. It’s time you started paying off your debt.”
“And how am I going to do that?” she asked as she took a seat at the table across from me.
“You’ll find out later.”
“Since we’re both sitting here, you can tell me now,” she spoke.
“I said we’ll talk later,” I firmly spoke. “Now, if you want those art supplies, you better start that list. I have to leave in a few minutes.”
Grace walked over and handed her a piece of paper and a pen. I didn’t know she liked to paint. But what did I really know about her anyway? She finished her list and handed it to me. After looking it over, I glanced up at her.
“Really? This is a lot of stuff.”
She shrugged. “You can afford it. Or, I have most of it back at my apartment. Send one of your minions to go fetch it.” Her brow raised.
“Where are they in your apartment?” I asked.
“In a chest in the corner of the living room. I’ll need my easel also.”
“I don’t recall seeing an easel in your apartment.”
“That’s because you were too busy ransacking my room to notice anything else about my place.”
“True.” The corners of my mouth curved up into a sly smile.
I finished off my breakfast and got up from the table.
“I’m leaving now. I’ll see you tonight.”
“I’ll be counting down the hours,” she sarcastically spoke.
Grace let out a light laugh, and I narrowed my eye at her as I walked out the door. On the way to the office, I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Caleb.
“What are you doing for lunch?”
“Gee. I don’t know. I haven’t even had breakfast yet, bro.”
“Can you meet me at the Shake Shack at one o’clock?”
“Sure. Good thing you picked that place because I wasn’t about to go to any fancy restaurant with all that weird food.”
I chuckled. “Why do you think I picked your favorite burger place? I’ll see you later.”
* * *
My meeting ended at twelve forty-five and I had fifteen minutes to get over to the Shake Shack to meet Caleb.
“I’m heading to lunch, Lu. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”
“Enjoy, Mr. Quinn.” She smiled.
Carl dropped me off around the corner, and when I made my way to the restaurant, I saw Caleb standing outside.