Page 53 of The Con Artist
Gabriel sat down on the bed and cupped his hands in his face. There were a few moments of silence and then he stood up.
“Get some rest. Tonight is off.”
I quickly grabbed hold of his hand before he had the chance to walk away.
“No. Please. I need you.”
He turned and looked at me for a moment with hesitation in his eyes. Then he got down on his knees in front of me and brushed his lips against mine.
* * *
After I fucked her, I walked out of the bedroom and headed downstairs to the bar, where I poured myself a bourbon. She was upset and I probably shouldn’t have slept with her, but she wanted it. Maybe I should have stayed with her, but I couldn’t. Her story. Was it true? Or was it all a lie? She was good at what she did, and I couldn’t tell if she was playing me or not, which was infuriating. I threw back the rest of my bourbon and slammed the glass down on the bar. What was she up to? Was she telling me that story to make me feel sorry for her? To try and understand why she did what she did? Was she trying to con me into giving her money? Perhaps using me to get what she needed to pay off her father’s debt? I wasn’t buying the debt part. She did what she did because it was all she knew. It was how she grew up. She never had any structure, and she certainly was never taught right from wrong.
The next morning, I grabbed a cup of coffee to go and headed straight to the office. I didn’t want to be home when she woke up. I couldn’t even look at her after what she had told me last night. As I took a seat behind my desk, Thaddeus walked in.
“I need you to look over these contracts and sign them for the Chicago property. Once that’s done, we can start construction,” he spoke.
“Hand them over.” I held out my hand.
“Everything okay?” he asked as he took a seat across from me.
“Everything’s fine. Why?” I looked at him.
“You seem unusually tense this morning.”
“It’s nothing. I just had a rough night.”
“Greta’s not back in the picture. Is she?” he asked.
“No,” I replied as I signed the contracts and handed them over. “Are we all set for Hawaii? Is there anything I need to know about before I get there?”
“No. Everything is smoothed out and the grand opening is set.”
“Good. I expect there to be no problems.” I arched my brow.
“There won’t be. I’ll talk to you later.”
As he walked out of my office, I heard him say hello to someone. When I looked up, Kate was standing in the doorway.
“What are you doing here?”
“I was out and about, and I wanted to see where the great Gabriel Quinn spends most of his day.” She smiled. “May I come in?”
“I’m really busy right now, Kate.” I looked at my watch. “It’s only ten o’clock. How are you out and about already?”
“This was my first stop.”
“Where’s Edmond?”
“He’s behind me. I’m sorry to have bothered you. I’ll see you later.”
As she turned away and began to close the door, I spoke, “Kate.”
She turned and looked at me.
“We’re leaving for Hawaii in a couple of days. Make sure you start packing.”