Page 71 of The Con Artist
“What the fuck is this?” I asked through gritted teeth as my grip on the paper tightened.
“I—I don’t know.”
I stood up from my chair and slammed my fists down on the desk. Rage consumed me.
“Where did you get this?”
“It was sent by messenger when you were in your meetings,” he replied. “How is this possible? Did you—”
I ran my hands through my hair as I paced around my office.
“Of course not!” I shouted. “FUCK! Get everyone in my office now!”
I took off my suitcoat, threw it on the chair, and continued to pace around the office in disbelief. Thaddeus walked back in with my team and we took a seat at the table. I grilled them, one by one. I yelled, screamed, and showed them a side of me they’d never seen before. I trusted them and their answers. Then, something hit me. It had to be her. My staff would never betray me, but I wouldn’t put it past someone else. I didn’t want to believe it. I couldn’t believe it. But it had started to make sense. I grabbed my suitcoat and flew out of the office.
“Lu, I’m going home. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I spoke as I rushed past her.
Before walking through the front door, I took in three deep breaths to calm down. As I stepped inside, I called her name.
“What are you doing home?” Kate asked as she walked down the stairs.
“I have a question for you, and I want an honest answer,” I spoke in a harsh tone.
“Gabriel, what’s wrong?” she asked as she approached me.
“Did you tell Marcel about my plans for the digital hotel?”
In an instant, her face fell, and a look of fear swept over her.
“Of course not. Why would you—”
I reached into my suitcoat pocket and pulled out the article.
“Because of this!”
She took it from me and began to read it.
“And you think I was the one who told him?”
“I certainly know my team would never do it.” I placed my hands in my pocket. “You talked to him, Kate. Don’t you find it odd that I would receive this article a week after we returned from Hawaii? After you talked to him!” I pointed at her.
“Gabriel,” she spoke in a panicked voice as she walked towards me.
I backed away and put my hands up. “Don’t, Kate. Just admit you told him.”
“I didn’t tell him anything. I promised you I wouldn’t say a word to anyone.”
“Then how the fuck did he find out?!” I shouted.
“Stop yelling at me!” she shouted back. “I don’t know. But it wasn’t from me!”
“Did he make you some sweet offer you couldn’t refuse? What a fucking fool I was for trusting someone like you!”
Tears streamed down her face.
“That was my father’s dream! We were all set to announce it in a couple of months, and now, Marcel’s company got to it first. And what a coincidence, theirs happens to be in Las Vegas.”
“Gabriel, please. I didn’t tell him,” she begged.