Page 75 of The Con Artist
“How is Gabriel?”
“Upset. A mess. Pissed off at the world.”
“I’m sorry.” I looked down.
“Don’t be, Kate. It’s not your fault. Even though my brother thinks it is, it’s not. He had no right to accuse you without proof. If you say you didn’t do it, that should have been good enough for him.”
“He never has and never will trust me.”
“Then that’s his problem, isn’t it? He always followed what our father said and did. If he told Gabriel to jump off a building, he probably would have. He was always so worried about disappointing him. Me, on the other hand,” he smiled, “I didn’t care. This is my life and I was going to do what made me the happiest.”
“You don’t think Gabriel’s happy running the company?” I asked as I took a bite of my pizza.
“He is in his own way. He was born to run a business. He’s extremely smart and very skillful. The digital hotel isn’t that big of a deal. He only wants to do it to please our father, even though he’s buried six feet into the ground. You want to know what I think?”
“I think it was someone in his company who spilled the beans to Marcel.”
“But why would anyone do that?” I asked.
“I don’t know. Gabriel has known those people for years and he trusts them. The thought that anyone would betray him is ludicrous to him. Unfortunately, you got caught in the crossfire. Have you ever met Thaddeus?”
“Not formally. He said hello to me once at Gabriel’s office. But I’ve heard him mention his name a few times.”
“I never trusted that guy. Something was always off about him. But Gabriel considers him a friend and a valuable asset to the company. He’s his right-hand man even though I know if the opportunity arose, he’d stab my brother in the back.”
Thoughts were flying through my head like a swarm of birds flying south for the winter.
“Tell me more about Thaddeus.”
“Why?” he asked with a narrowed eye.
A moment of silence filled the air.
“Kate, no.”
“What?” I took another slice of pizza from the box.
“I know what you’re thinking, and it won’t work.”
“It will. Maybe he was the one who told Marcel.”
“Just leave it alone. Gabriel fucked up with you in a big way. He made his bed, now let him lie in it.”
“The only thing that’s important to me is proving that I didn’t do anything.”
“And how are you going to do that?”
“I don’t know yet. But the one thing I do know is that someone in that office betrayed Gabriel and if they did it once, they’ll do it again.”
“Why do you care so much?” Caleb asked.
“Because I’m not being blamed for something I didn’t do. I’ve done a lot of shit in my life and I’m the first one to admit it. But this. Having my whole life ripped apart for something I didn’t do is unacceptable.”
“Okay. So let’s say you prove it was someone Gabriel works with? Then what? Are you hoping to get him back?”
“No. What Gabriel and I had is over with for good. He’s proven that he could never trust me. The things he said were horrible and I don’t think I could ever forgive him for that. I need a fresh start. A place where nobody knows Kate Harper. A place where I can start a new life.”