Page 82 of The Con Artist
“I’m guessing you spoke to your brother.”
“Yeah. We had breakfast this morning and I couldn’t believe what he told me. I specifically told you not to do this.”
“No. You said not to do this with Thaddeus.”
“You’re crazy.” He threw his hands up in the air.
“Listen to me, Caleb. You were right about Thaddeus. He was the one who told Marcel about the plans for the hotel, and if I’m right, he also copied the blueprint and gave it to him. I am going to find out everything today and get the proof I need to clear me.”
“Jesus. How do you know all this?”
“I followed Marcel to a diner in Harlem, where he met with Thaddeus. I was sitting at a table behind them and I heard everything. Marcel offered him some position in his company in Paris in exchange for the information about the hotel.”
“How are you going to get the proof?”
“I have a plan. Don’t worry about me. How’s Gabriel?”
“How do you think he is? He’s angry and hurt. He barely ate. I’ve never seen him like this. He’s torn up inside as it is, and now that he thinks you were involved with Marcel the whole time, it’s killing him.”
“You didn’t tell him what I was doing, did you?”
“No. How the hell could I? I didn’t even know. Kate,” he took hold of my arm, “you have to be careful.”
“I will. Never underestimate the charm of a beautiful woman.” I smirked. “I have to go. I’m spending the day with Marcel and I have to stop at the store first.”
“I hope this works.” He shook his head.
“It will. Please don’t say a word about this to Gabriel.”
I stopped at the store and picked up everything I needed to make a nice dinner for the two of us. When I reached his penthouse, he immediately took the bags from my arms.
“I wish you would have called me from the lobby. I would have brought these up for you,” he spoke as he kissed my lips.
“You’re sweet, but I managed just fine.”
He took the groceries into the kitchen. Just as the weatherman predicted, it rained all day long. The sky was overcast and the slight chill in the air made it a perfect day to sit in the comfort of a home by the fire, keeping warm while watching TV. We snuggled on the couch, under a blanket, watched a movie, and talked. I was ready to talk about Gabriel and get this fucking night over with, so I reached in the pocket of the oversized hoodie I was wearing and pressed the play button on the recorder I had hidden in my pocket.
“That man from last night. Gabriel Quinn,” I spoke.
“What about him?”
“Is he a major competition for you?”
“You’ve never heard of him or his hotel chain?” he asked with a bewildered look on his face.
“Vaguely,” I replied. “To be honest, I don’t really keep up with the hotel scene.” I smiled.
“Ah. I see. Well, to answer your question, yes, he is major competition. Quinn Hotels always has been. But that is all going to change very soon.”
“Really? How?”
“It’s a secret, Camille, and one I can’t discuss.”
I sat up with a distraught look on my face as I stared at him.
“I thought you and I were a thing? I mean, you did introduce me as your girlfriend.”
“We are. But business is something I cannot discuss.”