Page 84 of The Con Artist
“Oh, I’m very serious.” I smiled as I licked my lips.
“Bottoms up!” He threw back his wine as if it was water.
Now I needed those pills to work their magic as quickly as possible.
“Look at that. It seems I finished my wine first. Bring that beautiful mouth of yours down here.”
A sick feeling washed over me. I needed to stall as long as I could. Getting down on my knees in front of him, I brushed my lips against his, softly and in a teasing way. A growl erupted from his throat. I slid my fingers down his shirt until they reached his belt. Taking in a deep breath, I slowly unbuckled it. The bulge in his pants grew bigger as I undid his pants. Looking up at him, I saw his head was tilted back and his eyes were closed. As I stroked his hard cock through the fabric of his red silk underwear, he began to snore. Thank God! I quickly stood up, laid him down on the couch, and covered him with a blanket.
“Sorry, Marcel. Sweet dreams.”
I took the wine glasses into the kitchen, washed and dried them, and then went into his office and sat down behind his desk. I opened his laptop, and the lock screen appeared.
“Shit. What would his password be?”
I opened his desk drawer, looking for something to indicate his password. Nothing. Damn it. I needed to do this quickly. I shut his laptop and walked back out to the living room, where I took his phone from the table and placed his finger on the button to unlock it. Pulling up his email, I searched it and found a folder labeled “Digital Hotel.” I opened it and found a shitload of email exchanges between him and Thaddeus. After sending the folder to my email address, I deleted it in the sent file, set his phone back on the coffee table, grabbed my purse, and headed out the door. After hailing a cab back to my apartment, I called a messenger service to deliver the recorder to Gabriel. Pulling out his business card that I had taken from his desk drawer a while back, I opened my laptop, created a new email address, and sent the folder from that one to his. I took the two suitcases I had packed from the closet, my guitar case, and climbed into the cab that was waiting for me at the curb.
“Where to, miss?” the cab driver asked.
“Train station.”
Before I launched my plan on Marcel, I visited my father and told him everything that had happened. He understood why I had to leave, but I promised that I would visit him as much as I could. Before we said our goodbyes, he slipped me a piece of paper with the number to a safe deposit box, which was in my name, at the Atlantic Bank.
“The box is in your name, baby girl. Take what’s in there and go,” he whispered with tears in his eyes. Light up, sweet girl.” He smiled.
I sat on the train for the four-hour ride to Mystic, Connecticut, which is classified as a village with a population of 4,025 people. Small. The perfect place to start new, at least until I figured out exactly where I wanted to be in life. I walked from the train station to the Mermaid Inn of Mystic, a cute bed and breakfast that I found fitting.
“Hello, dear. How may I help you?” the older gray-haired woman behind the desk asked.
“Hi, I have a reservation.”
“You must be Kate Harper.” She smiled.
“How did you know?”
“You are our only guest, my dear. Everyone else already checked out. It’s our slow time of the season. My name is Rose.” She held out her slender hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, Rose.” A smile crossed my lips.
“When you called to book the reservation, you said you didn’t know how long you’d need the room for. Have you decided yet?”
“Maybe a week or two.”
“Delightful. I’ll put you down for at least two weeks. Now follow me and I’ll show you to your room on the second floor. You can leave your suitcases down here and my grandson, Thomas, will bring them up.”
I followed her up the stairs to the second floor. She inserted the key in the lock and opened the door to the room.
“This is our Rose room. Named after me.” She smiled. “I personally decorated it myself. I hope it meets your needs.”
Walking into the room, I set my guitar case down and looked around. It was beautiful. The walls were painted a rose color and then stenciled with floral designs. A queen-size bed that housed a quaint floral print comforter sat on the far wall. There was a small dresser with a TV that was mounted on the wall above it. It was very charming.
“There’s a mini fridge over in that corner that is fully stocked with water and soft drinks, compliments of the inn.”
“Thank you.”
“There are towels in the cabinet over there outside the bathroom. If you need more, just let me know. Also, breakfast is served at nine a.m., so make sure you bring your appetite because we serve a full American breakfast.”
“I definitely will.” I smiled.