Page 89 of The Con Artist
“You’re welcome, dear. I’m going to go start dinner. Would you like to help?”
“I’d love to.”
* * *
Afew more days passed, and I kept myself as busy as I could. A few more guests checked in and I helped Rose out by cleaning the rooms. She insisted that I stop, but this was my way of thanking her and helping her out like she helped me. At night, I would hang out John’s Mystic River Tavern, where I would have a couple of drinks and play pool with the locals. I really liked it in Mystic and it already felt like home. A couple of the men in town had asked me to go out with them, but I politely turned them down. They were nice and attractive, but they weren’t Gabriel.
* * *
I spent days trying to figure out where the hell Kate went off to. It was affecting my work. I couldn’t stay focused and I didn’t care. Work was no longer my number one priority; finding Kate was. I had just arrived home from the office, and I walked up to the bedroom where she stayed. Sitting down on the bed, I cupped my face in my hands. The best thing that ever happened to me in my life and I threw it away for nothing. I never should have accused her. I should have believed her when she told me she wasn’t the one who told Marcel about the hotel, because I loved her. I sighed as I ran my hands down my face. When I looked up, I stared at the painting of the mermaid by the sea she painted. It was beautiful, just like her. Suddenly, something hit me and hit me hard. I jumped up from the bed and ran down the stairs to my office. Opening my laptop, I typed the wordmermaidinto the search bar. I scrolled and scrolled, looking for something, anything that would lead me to where she was. What was I doing? I laughed at myself for even thinking that I was going to find something. I went to shut my laptop, and something caught my attention. The Mermaid Inn of Mystic, a bed and breakfast in Mystic, Connecticut. Could she have gone there? Or was I just grasping at straws? I shook my head as I closed my laptop, poured myself a bourbon, and went up to bed.
* * *
Itossed and turned all night like I did every night after I kicked Kate out. I stumbled out of bed. As I was showering, I couldn’t stop thinking about The Mermaid Inn. It was a longshot, but I didn’t care. The drive was only two and a half hours and something I needed to do. I got dressed, packed a small bag, and headed out the door.
I reached the bed and breakfast, walked through the door, and found an older woman behind the desk.
“Welcome to The Mermaid Inn.” She smiled.
“Thank you. I’m hoping you can help me. I’m looking for someone.”
“I can try to be of some help,” she spoke.
“I’m looking for a woman who’s about five foot seven, long blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes. Her name is Kate Harper. She would have stayed here within the past week.”
“No, I’m sorry. No one by that name or description has stayed here.”
“Do you know everyone who stays here?” I asked.
“Of course. My bed and breakfast only have four rooms available to stay in. I know each and every guest that walks through that door.”
“It was longshot. Thank you. Do you by chance have any rooms available for tonight?”
“Unfortunately, every room is booked right now.”
“I see. Have a good day,” I spoke.
“You too.”
I climbed into the car and followed the sign that pointed to Downtown Mystic. I was here and it seemed nice, so I decided to stay the night. Maybe getting away, even for a night, would do me some good. I pulled into The Whaler’s Inn to see if they had any rooms. Luckily for me, they had their junior suite available.
“We hope you enjoy your stay, Mr. Quinn.”
“Thank you. I’m sure I will.”
I set my bag on the bed and looked around the nautical-themed room. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I called Caleb.
“Hey, bro,” he answered.
“Hey. I just wanted you to know that I’m in Mystic, Connecticut. I’ll be staying a couple of days and I’m turning my phone off.”
“Why are you in Mystic?” he asked with a surprised tone.
“There was this inn called The Mermaid Inn of Mystic. I took a wild chance that maybe Kate would be there, but the owner said she wasn’t. It’s pretty nice here and I need a couple of days to myself.”
“I get it. Okay. Try to relax while you’re there.”