Page 91 of The Con Artist
I caught up with her and lightly grabbed hold of her arm. She turned and her beautiful blue eyes stared into mine.
“I’m so sorry. Please let’s go somewhere so we can talk in private.”
“There’s nothing to talk about. You said everything you needed to back when you accused me of selling you out to Marcel.” She jerked her arm away.
“Please, sweetheart. I just need you to listen to me.”
“First of all,” she pointed her finger at me and spoke in an angry tone, “I’m not your sweetheart, and second of all, I don’t care if you need me to listen to you. You didn’t listen to me. All of this could have been avoided if you would have just believed in me!”
“I know that and I’m sorry. I’m stupid and I turned my back on the only woman I had ever loved. I’m here to make things right. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, and I can’t focus on my company. What I did was wrong, and I made a terrible mistake. I’m so sorry, Kate. Please, you have to believe me.”
“Just like you believed me?” she asked in a low and sad voice. “I accept your apology, but that’s all I can give you. Things are different now, Gabriel, and you need to go home.”
“Kate, please. I need you.” I reached out and grabbed her hand.
“And I needed you at one time and you turned your back on me.” She pulled her hand away. “Goodbye, Gabriel. Please just leave me alone.” Tears formed in her eyes. “You will never be able to trust me.” She walked away and headed back to the bed and breakfast.
“You’re wrong, Kate,” I shouted.
I stood there and watched her walk away from me. The pain I already felt intensified to something so unbearable it sent me to my knees. My eyes began to water and before I knew it, tears started streaming down my face. This wasn’t me. This wasn’t who I was. She changed me, and now, I’d never know what it would be like to love her and spend my life with her.
Chapter 39
Iran back to The Mystic Inn and found Rose standing on the porch. The uncontrollable tears streamed down my face as I cried in her arms.
“There, there, dear. It’ll be okay,” she whispered as she held the back of my head with her hand.
As soon as I calmed down, she walked me over to the gazebo where we always had our little talks. Seeing him again hurt so much. The fact that he searched and found me led me to believe he really was sorry for everything he’d done. But it didn’t matter. I needed to move on with my life because I would never allow myself to go through this again with him. People always say, the way you meet someone is the way things will end. We met under the circumstances of non-trust and we ended the same way. Rose and I sat and talked for hours.
“Everybody deserves a second chance at least one time in their life,” she spoke. “Things with me and Bobby always weren’t so good.”
“But you two have a perfect relationship.”
“We do now because of second chances. Bobby made a mistake in the early years and he cheated on me.”
I looked at her as shock splayed across my face.
“I’d just had my third miscarriage. We were both devastated because we thought for sure it wouldn’t happen again. I went into a deeper depression and shut him out completely. He tried so hard to be there for me, but I wouldn’t let him. What I failed to recognize was that he was hurting just as badly as I was. I wasn’t there to ease his pain like he was for me. The only thing I could focus on was how much these miscarriages affected me. I never thought about how it affected him. He went out one night after we had a fight, got drunk, and slept with a woman he met at the bar.”
“Rose, I’m so sorry.”
“I’m not. Because if he didn’t, we wouldn’t be together today.”
“How could you trust him again after that?”
“It took a while and months of therapy. But I knew he loved me more than anything in the world and I loved him. After that horrible time and pain we went through, we found each other again and our relationship was better than it had ever been. I gave him a second chance because he deserved to be given one. And he gave me one because he loved me. Later that year, I got pregnant and had my son, Gage. When he was six months old, I got pregnant again and had my daughter, Kathryn. Those two children never would have been born if I had given up on him.”
“I appreciate your story, Rose, but I’m not having children. At least not for a few years, if ever.”
“It isn’t always about the children, Kate. It’s about your life and the wonderful things you could be missing out on because you’re letting your pain and heartache decide your future.”
I sighed as I laid my head on her shoulder.
“Running away doesn’t solve anything. You have a home in New York and your father is there. Do you want to miss out on time spent with him because of Gabriel?”
“I can’t be in the same city as him. It would hurt too much.”