Page 7 of Wylde
Neither girl said anything else. Apple ducked her head while Lemon raised her chin in defiance.
With a sigh the officer keyed the radio mic clipped to his shoulder. “Dispatch, signal six CPS. Two minors at this arrest.”
“What’s happening?” I struggled as the other officer snapped handcuffs around my wrists behind my back. “Let me go!”
“Child protective services are on the way. They’ll look after the kids until you’re out on bail.”
“NO!” Lemon stepped forward. One look from the officer stopped her. “We’re not leaving Dani.”
“Girls, just do what they say. It’ll be all right.”
“I’m calling Deacon,” Apple said. “He’ll know what to do.” As she pulled out her phone and made the call, it struck me that I should probably tell her not to call the man who’d tried to get with my sixteen-year-old sister, but I was in shock.
“I-I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Apple.” I was shaking. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
“Hey, lady,” the officer handcuffing me said, irritated. “You do the crime, you gotta do the time.
“Deacon says he’s on the way back. He said he’d take care of everything.” Apple sounded a little more settled but still fearful.
My phone started ringing. Unknown number. Fucking spam callers. Now wasn’t the time. When it stopped, Apple’s phone chimed with a text. She read it, then looked back at me.
“Deacon says to answer your phone.”
“Not happening,” the officer said.
When it started ringing again, Lemon grabbed it and answered. “Hello.” She looked at me steadily as she listened to whomever was on the other end. “At the hobby shop. They found two small bottles of paint in Dani’s purse. They’re arresting her.” There was another pause. “They’ve called Social Services for me and Apple. We don’t want to go with them.” Another pause. “OK. I’ll tell her.” She ended the call. “That was Wylde. He said he’d be here in five minutes and that we could stay with him until he fixes this.”
“Wylde?” His name came from my lips like a prayer. And maybe it was.
“Yeah. Said he knew you from the coffee shop.”
“Oh, thank God!” I nearly sobbed in relief. If anyone could help me, it was Wylde. I looked at the officer in front of me. “The girls can go with him when he gets here. Wylde is my friend.”
“Wylde? Funny name.”
I frowned. “So? He can take my sisters. I’m their guardian. There’s a paper in my wallet saying so. You can check with Social Services when they get here. It’s all on record.”
“That’s up to them. But if you’re their guardian and you say they can go with your friend, I don’t see any reason why they couldn’t.”
Finally! The man was being reasonable. It was the one thing that might go right in this situation.
The officers ushered me outside and into the back of the patrol car where we waited. It wasn’t even five minutes before a huge, dark blue Bronco pulled into the parking lot beside the cop car. There, larger than life, Wylde climbed out and stalked over to us. He looked angry as hell. Another man got out of the other side and walked over to the police. Wylde said nothing, but his gaze was focused squarely on me. It was the other man who spoke.
“I’m Wyatt Raven, Miss James’s lawyer. What’s the charge?”
“Shoplifting. She’ll be booked in county. I’m sure they’ll let you see her once she’s been processed.”
Mr. Raven gave the officer a long hard look. “I’ll be accompanying Miss James.” He looked to me. “Did they read you your rights?”
I nodded. “Yes, sir.”
Wylde growled and took a step forward before catching himself. “You do everything Raven says, Danica. Don’t say a word unless he says so. Understand?”
Again, I nodded, my gaze clinging to Wylde’s. “Please take care of the girls, Wylde. I’ll never ask you for anything else. Don’t let them go with CPS.”
“I’ve got them, honey. You do what Raven says, to the letter. He’ll get you out, then bring you to me. We’ll take care of everything.”