Page 9 of Wylde
“Where are you going?” I called after them.
“You’re the genius, asshole. Figure it out.”
“Fuck.” I scrubbed my hands through my hair. “I don’t have fuckin’ time for this.”
As I watched the sisters walk from my office through the common room, I felt a smile tug at my lips before I squashed it. I absolutely would not be amused by these two.
“You both need to be turned over someone’s knee!” I called out. Lemon just raised her hand in the air, middle finger standing prominently. My brothers hooted, so I gave ‘em the middle finger.
“Don’t worry. They’ll get it.” Deacon leaned against the wall next to my office. Big fucker had probably been standing there since I brought the girls back with me.
“You wanna explain yourself? Those two are way the fuck underage.”
“I’m aware of that. Now.” Deacon straightened. “Don’t worry. Now that I know, I’ll stay away.” He met my gaze. “Still watchin’ over ‘em.”
“Which one’s yours? Because I know you think one of ‘em is.” Which was something I’d be dissuading him of. Soon.
He shrugged, not rising to my bait. “Does it matter?”
“Yep.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Matters way the fuck up.”
“Apple. I can’t have her until she’s eighteen and I won’t go near her. But I’m gonna protect her with my life. That means I protect her sisters too, because Lemon won’t hesitate to fuck a bitch up if they fuck with Apple or Danica. And if Lemon’s hurt, Apple’d be hurt.”
“Who the fuck names their kids Lemon and Apple?” I was cranky. I needed to get to Danica. The need rode me hard to protect her and I’d had to let Raven take over that role until the situation with her and that stupid shoplifting charge was cleared up, but it ate at me. And I had no idea why. I didn’t get possessive over women. Why this one?
“That’d be Dani. She didn’t want siblings. Her mother told her to name the twins to try to get her to bond with them. So, she thought up the most ridiculous names she could to get even with her mother. Turned out, her mother’s plan worked. Dani would do anything in the world for those girls. Including giving up her future until she got them raised.”
I snorted. “I doubt it stops there. She might as well be their mother. Seems you know them awfully fuckin’ well.”
Deacon gave me a level look. “Like I said. Apple’s mine.”
“That’s something we’re gonna have to have a talk with Sting about. How could you not know she was underage, you dumb shit? And what the fuck did you do with her?” I was angry, but mostly I was seeking a target for my anger. Deacon was a good man. There was no way he creeped after a sixteen-year-old on purpose.
“Talk all you want. Even she’ll tell you I didn’t do anything with her. I haven’t even kissed her.” He shook his head slightly. “Knew something was off, but I couldn’t place what it was. She said she was nineteen. Lemon confirmed it and encouraged us to get together. Only thing I was waiting on was to meet and talk with Danica.”
“Why?” If that bastard was thinking he’d make a move on Danica, I’d kill him right here.
“Like I said. Something felt off. I wanted to talk to their father first, but they said they didn’t have a father. Only reason I knew about Danica was because I followed them to the coffee shop one day. Didn’t see how they got to town, but I saw them walking. Each of them had a backpack slung over her shoulder. Curiosity got the better of me and I followed. When I asked Apple about it later, she got a panicked look on her face, but Lemon said they were enrolled at the community college.”
“And you didn’t press her then?” Anger was building inside me. I blamed Deacon for what I saw as taking advantage of a young woman, but I knew it was more than that.
“No. Of course not. I knew she’d tell me what was going on when she was ready, and I wasn’t getting physical with her until I knew her story. I’m a lot of things, Wylde, but I’m not a moron. Or a creep. As I saw it, my job was to look after her until she came clean. It was Danica who clued me in to the fact they’re only sixteen.” He shook his head slightly as if beating himself up inside. “Felt like a dirty old man and I’m only twenty-six.”
“How long have you known Apple?”
“Not long. Couple of weeks. Gave her my number the second time I met her.”
I’d be checking that out soon as the bastard left my office. I needed to go after the pair, but figured I was the last person they wanted around them right now.
I scrubbed my hand over my face. “Fuck.” Giving Deacon a hard look, I pointed my finger at his chest. “Keep an eye on them. But if you touch either of those girls, I’ll beat you to a bloody fuckin’ pulp.”
He lifted his chin. “I’m not a pedophile, Wylde. And I’m a prospect with Iron Tzars.” The man puffed out his chest in pride. “I know what we do. What we stand for. I’ll earn my patch here, and it won’t be by takin’ advantage of a kid. Don’t underestimate either of them, though. They’re not typical teenagers.”
“You’ll still keep your distance.” It was a threat and we both knew it.
“I will. Still makin’ it known no one is to even look at Apple. I got two years to prove myself with Tzars before she’s of age. That should give me time to solidify my position with the club and make a home for her.” He moved toward me until we were almost nose to nose. “And if you hurt their sister, if you hurt Danica, I’ll personally rip your arms from your body. Try workin’ your computer magic with no fuckin’ hands.” Then he stalked after the girls.
“Go fuck yourself, Deacon!” I called after him. Like Lemon had, Deacon flipped me off without ever turning around. Then I shouted after him. “And I can use voice controls! And you’re still a dumb shit!”