Page 55 of Blackthorn
“Are you comfortable?” he asked. His hands skimmed over her like he was memorizing her shape.
Charlotte flexed a foot. The settee was wide enough for two. Barely. “For now. How long does this typically last? I’m not complaining, but it will be useful information for next time.”
“Not long. A few minutes.”
Long enough to feed.
He rocked forward, the tiniest movement. She groaned, stuffed to bursting. He ground the base against her. Before she could fathom, her hips rose to meet him. The movements were slow, controlled, and delicious. Sensation was reduced to the tiniest, smallest touch, minuscule progress as he pushed deeper and deeper into her. There was no way she could take more, but then he was all the way in, working his knot to stretch her and hitting every sensitive spot.
Draven whispered encouragement, making her come undone with his words as easily as his body. Soon, too soon, she trembled uncontrollably again. His lips claimed her, swallowing her cries of pleasure until there was nothing left.
Chapter Fourteen
The Aerie
Draven’s Library
Fire crackled in the fireplace, casting a warm glow across the room.
Charlotte angled the page to catch the light. “Did you really trek through the snow to find Luis just to have him write this letter?”
“To keep you from tearing my fortress apart on a futile search? Certainly.”
She didn’t know what to say. Not informing her of his plan left her feeling used and abandoned, but he was old and not in the habit of sharing schedules. A forgivable oversight, as long as it did not become a habit. She couldn’t deny how touching it was to know that Draven chased after Luis and Miles in the abominable weather just for her peace of mind and to reassure her that her friends were not being held captive.
Of course, there remained the thorny subject of the person currently being held captive. She heard someone in the corridor. She did not imagine it. Draven had his secrets. Holding her friends captive just happened not to be one.
He reached over and lifted the compass hanging on the chain around her neck. He turned it over, rubbing his thumb over the worn engraving. “This is from the Endeavor.”
“It’s an heirloom from my mother’s family,” she said.
Draven nodded before leaving their cozy nest on the settee and headed to the sideboard to pour himself a drink. Completely nude, he seemed unaffected by the chill. Not that Charlotte was one to complain. She rather enjoyed the view.
Draven tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.
“I have eyes. I’m allowed to use them,” she said, not ashamed to have been caught watching. She was nude too.
“Would you like one?” he offered, holding up a glass of amber liquid.
“No, thank you.” She eyed her discarded garments on the floor. She should return to her rooms. Orianne would be searching for her. “Could you hand me my shift, please?”
Draven scooped up the garments. “I think not. I rather enjoy your current mode of dress.”
A folded piece of paper fluttered to the ground.
“Ignore that,” she said, but he had already handed over her clothing and opened the note.
He pressed his lips together. “This is quite the extensive list of questions.”
“I simply organized my thoughts. I did not intend to ask them all.” Only as many as he would tolerate.
He made a humming noise and picked up a pencil at the desk. While he read, she slipped on the shift.
Draven crossed off a line. “Let me remove some items from your list. In regards to my appearance, which we can agree is passingly attractive, I have not always looked this way. My body underwent a transformation and this,” he said, waving a hand down the length of his body, “is the result.”
Charlotte moved to a kneeling position, her shift slipping off a shoulder. Absently she tugged it back into place. “Fascinating. Was it a considerable change?”