Page 28 of Shadow Mark
Their lips met, first softly, mouths brushing against each other shyly. Their touches grew heated and the kiss deepened. One hand settled on her waist. His touch was stiff, but as Lenore leaned into him, planting both hands on his chest, his posture relaxed. His tongue swept across her lips, demanding that she yield to him. She melted, her fingers clutching the collar of his coat, tugging on the fabric to be closer.
They parted. The moment stretched out. His skin was flush in the bluish-violet way of Arcosian complexions. Reluctant to step away, Lenore stayed put. The horny part of her brain—the bit with the awesome ideas that were bad for her—demanded that Baris stay the night. The reasonable but boring part of her brain reminded her that Baris was ill and required rest. What she desired involved very little rest.
Eventually, Baris removed his hand from her waist, and he stepped back.
His eyes were bright, this time from delight and not from illness. He opened his mouth as if to speak but instead pressed his lips closed.
What the hell? She liked Baris, and it would be a crying shame if she didn’t seize this opportunity.
As he stepped away, Lenore reached out. Her fingers brushed his wrist, halting him instantly.
“Stay,” she said.
“Tomorrow is a long day,” he said, repeating her earlier words. “If I stay, I have no intention of letting you sleep.”
“I’ll sleep on Earth.”
This wasn’t like her. The excitement of it encouraged her to keep moving and avoid thinking too deeply about it. Enjoy herself for one night.
Lenore pulled Baris into her room. They stumbled toward the bed, a tangle of kisses and moving limbs as they kicked off shoes and shed clothing. Lenore stripped off the gown and tossed it to the floor. She stood before him in nothing but her bra and panties.
Baris made this rumbling noise in his chest that just absolutely made her melt. Gently, he pushed her onto the bed.
Lenore scrambled backward until her back rested against the headboard. “I want to see you,” she said.
Keeping his gaze on her, he removed the last layers of his clothes. He reached a hand behind his head and removed the band holding back his hair. Long black strands spilled down.
He was gorgeous. Thinner than she expected, but lean muscle. His chest and shoulders just begged for exploration. She wanted to run her fingers over every dip, to map out the spots that made him sigh and made him growl. Her eyes drifted across his abdomen, to the dusting of hair that led downward, to his double penises.
She had seen anatomical diagrams, but diagrams weren’t even close to the in-person experience. Stacked on top of each other, the top cock was slightly shorter and thinner. Dark at the base, nearly black, the color faded to a pale lavender at the tips. Both were generously sized. Ridges ran along the top and bottom.
He held both his cocks in one hand, demonstrating how the ridges allowed both parts to lock together. Slowly, he worked his hand up his length and completely derailed her train of thought. Not fair. He smirked, clearly enjoying the effect he had on her.
Lenore licked her lips, desperately trying to remember that thing. The important thing. “Wait, before we get too far into this, I don’t want to get pregnant. Do you have a condom or an equivalent? The barrier that you spray on?”
“Pregnancy requires the seed from both my cocks. It is easily avoided.”
She nodded, struck mute at the idea of both his cocks inside her. That sounded really, really good. Mouthwateringly good. Probably something she would need to work up to because Baris had a lot going on. Fine, taking both dicks was a bad idea masquerading as a good time.
So good.
“What about sexually transmitted diseases? I tested negative after my divorce. I haven’t been with anyone else.” She wouldn’t apologize for asking. Human-Arcosian pregnancy hadn’t occurred yet, to her knowledge, but she absolutely knew that humans and Arcosians could trade other various itchy and contagious conditions. She had treated more than a few and did not want to explain to a doctor on Earth that her pee burned because she couldn’t take a minute to spray a film on an alien dick.
“I was negative on my last test. There has been no one.”
“I find that very hard to believe,” she said.
His lip pulled up in a grin, flashing just a bit of fang. “Any other questions?”
“Can I touch you?”
Lenore moved to the edge of the bed and he positioned himself before her. Starting at his shoulders, she ran her hands down his arms, enjoying the feel of the sinewy muscles. She caressed his abdomen, letting her touch drift lower and lower. Finally, she brushed his top cock, running her finger along the length. The ridges were softer than she expected, firm but yielding.