Page 24 of Until Us
The cream marble flooring has matching gold accents in the center of each tile. People are trying to talk over the music. Exie and I are both dressed in jeans and a simple graphic T-shirt, while everyone else is dressed to kill.
Guys wear designer shirts, and the girls are dressed in skirts and dresses two sizes too small with designer pumps. A far cry from the few parties I was invited to with Marcus. Now I know why he wouldn’t take me to most of them.
Exie grabs my arm and pulls me toward the marble island to grab two wine coolers. She opens the top on both and hands me one.
“One. That is all we are having,” I tell her.
I place the tip of the fruity wine cooler on my lips. Tilting it back, I wince as I take a sip, not used to the hint of alcohol burning my throat. After a few more sips, I quickly get used to the taste and sip the rest slowly.
“Good, huh?” Exie asks.
“Not bad, I guess.”
Some guys I recognize from school glance at me, but I pay them no mind. We hang out, people-watch, and talk about what Netflix movies will release soon, setting a date so we can hang out at her house to binge-watch some shows I haven’t started.
When the bottle is empty, I toss it in the big trash bin and so does Exie. “I need to pee,” I tell her.
She looks up at the balcony of the second floor and sees people going up and down the stairs. “The bathroom must be upstairs. Let’s pee, and then I’ll take you home. This party sucks.”
I grin. “I agree.”
We make it up the stairs to the second floor, but all the doors are closed.
We see two doors next to each other and usually one is the bathroom.
“You open that one, and I’ll open this one and see which one is the bathroom,” I tell her.
“Sounds like a plan.”
We both turn the door handle at the same time and freeze. When the door swings open, I can see Sarah riding Kalum on the bed. His arms are behind his head while he watches her grind on him, moaning.
“Kalum, it feels so good,” she says breathlessly.
I close my eyes, and my stomach churns, trying to erase the image from my mind but come up empty. My chest squeezes painfully at the sight of Kalum having sex with someone else. Maybe the attraction I have for him is stronger than I thought.
“What the fuck?” I hear Brian’s voice from the other room Exie must have opened.
My head whips to her, and I hear her stammer. “I-I’m so sorry. I was looking for the bathroom.”
My eyes open. Sarah stops moving on top of Kalum, and Kalum’s head tilts to the side, watching me as I release the grip of the door handle nervously and back out of the room.
“I’m sorry,” I say softly, turning my head from the look of horror on Sarah’s face as she tries to cover her perfect breasts and long legs.
“What the fuck?” Sarah squeaks. “Kalum, you need to check your maid. Get rid of her.”
I keep walking back, mortified, until my back hits the wall on the other side of the hallway, avoiding eye contact with Kalum. Another door opens, and Cason steps out, trying to put his clothes on.
“What happened?” he asks.
“These two don’t know what the fuck a closed door means,” Brian says, his voice laced with steel.
I find my voice. “We were looking for the bathroom.”
His gaze travels over me like I’m a pest. “How about you get the fuck out of my house! No one invited you two.”
Glancing at Exie, I see the hurt cross her face.
Screw him and his wack-ass party. Wendy peeks her head out at the same time Sarah and Kalum walk out of the room, trying to put their clothes on.