Page 51 of Until Us
Three Months Later
“Are you going to tell him?”
Exie is visiting me while Lane goes to the track to test his car. He has been working nonstop on it. Night after night, he has been at his shop working on his latest build like a scientist in a lab finding a cure.
I flush the toilet after throwing up my lunch and open the bathroom door. “Tell him what?”
She grins at me knowingly. “That I’m going to be an aunt.”
“Shit, is it that obvious?”
“Sweetheart, you have thrown up three times since I showed up. You are… definitely… pregnant.”
I look down at my still flat stomach under Lane’s Turner Automotive T-shirt.
“You think so? I thought maybe it was something I ate. I started feeling like this early this week,” I tell her.
I had a hunch, but I didn’t want to cause Lane any more pressure. He has been working at the shop tirelessly. There is only one way to be sure.
When I return with Exie from the pharmacy, she is hot on my heels like a mother bear. “Come on. Pee on the stick. I want to know,” she demands.
I enter the bathroom and follow the instructions, pee, and wait. After the required time, I pick it up and slide down the free-standing tub in the master bathroom, feeling like my stomach hit the floor. I’m pregnant with Lane’s baby.
The bathroom door opens with Exie holding a clothes hanger. “Really? This isn’t funny,” I snap.
She tilts her head from side to side. “So yay or nay?”
I hand her the stick. She takes it and lets out a loud squeal. “Yes, I knew it!” she shouts.
“Knew what?” Lane asks, leaning on the doorway.
I didn’t hear him walk in or the sound of his car rumbling down the driveway. Exie quickly hides the stick behind her back. “Nothing,” she mutters.
He glances at me sitting on the bathroom floor and sits next to me. “Is your stomach still bothering you, Aura? Do you need to see a doctor, baby?” he asks, his voice laced with concern.
The back of his fingers slides down my face, and I turn my cheek into his palm. “Yeah, but it’s not what you think.”
He pinches his brows, and his head snaps up to look at Exie. I nod when her eyes find mine and she hands him the pregnancy test.
“I’m pregnant,” I say softly.
He holds it in his hand and stares at it. He doesn’t look happy or sad. He stares but doesn’t say anything.
I should have waited to tell him, but I couldn’t keep this from him. I love him, and he says he loves me, but this is a huge step, and I had a feeling he wasn’t ready to take the leap into having a family. After a while, my heart sinks because he won’t look at me.
Exie’s mouth forms a grim line. I stand and silently exit the bathroom.
“Do you want me to kick his ass?” Exie asks. “Maybe it will get him to talk.”
“He isn’t ready, and it’s a big responsibility. I should have been more careful,” I say softly.