Page 9 of Until Us
She practically ran out of my room with my sheets, and I could have sworn I saw tears in her eyes. Dropping the towel and appearing naked before her was a bold move. Making her feel uncomfortable was my first thought, but maybe I’d been seeking her reaction.
When I saw her swaying her hips, oblivious that I was standing in the doorway of my bathroom, I was mesmerized by her body in tight black leggings and a T-shirt tied in a knot at her waist. I was right. Aura has an amazing hourglass shape with ass and tits for days. When she turned around, sensing me watching her standing there, my eyes dipped to large breasts.
She looked like she belonged in my room with her messy bun, like she has been cleaning my room for years, not as a housekeeper, but as my girl because she wanted to.
When she told me she found me unattractive and had a boyfriend, I saw red. I smirked because I was jealous, and all I wanted her to do was forget he existed. He doesn’t deserve her. What guy would let their girlfriend accept this arrangement? Why did her parents let her go? What type of parents let another stranger adopt them to be a housekeeper once they turn eighteen in a few months? It’s none of my business, but now I’m curious.
Getting close to my bedroom door, I walk slowly in case she walks back into my room. When I am sure she isn’t walking this way, I peer my head out and look toward the laundry room.
When the machine pauses, switching cycles, I can hear faint sniffing. Is she crying? She turns sideways, not realizing I’m watching her like a creep, and something breaks inside me. Fresh, hot tears stream down her face, and she sobs.
The instinct inside me has me approaching her. I never intended to make her cry. Something about the way she cries tears me apart. I wonder which part of the messed-up things I said caused her to cry.
When I take long strides down the hallway, her eyes widen, glistening. She quickly wipes her tears and looks away.
Between a sob and a sniff, she asks, “Is there something you need?”
“I need you to look at me,” I demand.
She turns her face, and the look of sorrow laced with pain guts me. I’m not a softy by any means, and a girl crying doesn’t do it for me, but somehow, Aura crying is like a knife twisting painfully inside my soul.
Another tear escapes down her beautiful face. Aura is breathtakingly gorgeous. Telling her she was ugly was me being an ass because she wasn’t giving me the reaction I’m used to receiving with other girls.
My thumb softly wipes away her tears. She stands still, and I’m relieved she lets me. The soft touch of her skin shoots an electric current up my hand directly to my cock.
Leaning close so my lips are close to her ear, I whisper, “I’m sorry to have made you cry. I’m an ass sometimes.”
I lean closer to her cheek and place my lips there, feeling the salty wetness. My eyes close as I smell the soft, flowery scent coming off her skin. The way she looks is perfect. She’s perfect. “If something I said crossed the line, I’m sorry.”
Her eyes find mine again, and up close, her light-brown eyes are striking. I could get lost in them, and it scares the shit out of me. The feelings Aura evokes inside me have me all types of fucked up. When she walks in the room, my eyes follow her like lasers finding a target.
We stand there looking into each other’s eyes until she breaks the spell. “It wasn’t my choice to be here. I’m sorry for barging into your life. I can tell you don’t like the fact that I’m here, but neither do I.”
Her words are like a blast of cold air when you’re trying to keep warm. Standing back, I give her space. She wipes her face and takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself.
“I’ll stay out of your way as much as possible. You won’t even know I’m here. I-I appreciate your apology.”
Not the words I expected to hear. Hearing them should make me feel better, but I feel none of those things. But telling her it’s okay will make her think I want her around and that I have changed my mind about her staying here. If she was not attending my school or having her so close and cleaning my room, maybe I wouldn’t care.
In the morning, I seek my mother out before I leave for school. I find her seated, reading the latest magazine, catching up on gossip. She hears me approach and lowers the magazine. Her eyes find mine, and she smiles.
“Good morning, Kalum. How was the first day of school? I hope you helped Aura feel welcome and showed her around.”
I lean on the edge of the sofa. “Good morning, Mom. Actually, that is what I wanted to talk to you about.”
Her eyes blink fast, a telltale sign she is nervous. “Is everything okay with Aura? You have to make sure she is okay, Kalum. I know I’ve sprung this on you, but?—”
I’m annoyed with her for not telling me her plans to bring a girl my age to live in my house, enroll her in my school, and let her invade my life. I interrupt her.
“Where did she come from? And why is she attending my school?”
My mother sits up straight. “Watch how you talk to me, young man. You may be turning eighteen in two weeks, but you’ll respect me and not question my decisions in my own home.”
“You know I don’t intervene with your projects or whatever you plan, but I do have a problem when it involves my life. This is my senior year; you and Dad want me to take up college and eventually take over the business, and I’m fine with that. I have never told you no, but accepting a strange girl in our home and invading my space is taking things too far. I don’t want her cleaning my room or attending my school. Out of all the people you could have hired, why her?”
My mother raises her hands and drops them in her lap. “Because she has nowhere else to go, Kalum.”