Page 1 of Knot for You
My mother was an alpha. If I could sum my entire life up in one sentence, I was pretty sure that would suffice.
My mother was an alpha. A rare, female alpha.
She may have been the only reason that I was never sent to do anything else like the others in my designation. My mother insisted that we were different as she raised me alone. We pushed boundaries. We did great things no one expected. Thus, I never was sent to an omega academy. Not because I could’ve been alpha like her or a beta or that I was an omega.
Simply because Iwas.
The moment my perfume came in, announcing to nearly anyone in a half-mile radius what I was, my mother only blinked at me when I burst into the kitchen from school. I was fifteen and in tears. My eyes watered and my face was puffy. Yet, my mother’s nose only scrunched as she looked at me from the top of my head down to my scuffed knees from tripping over myself on the soccer field.
“Why in the world are you crying?”She scoffed.“This changes nothing.”
Only, to everyone else, me being an omega would have changed things.
It changed everything.
Omegas were prized due to their rarity. Omegas were treated like shiny jewels in many cultures, to be doted on and respected. They were the designation that was made as the ideal counterpart for alphas—leaders and boundary breakers. They were the perfect everything. Housewife. Companion. Mother. They were light and graceful, pretty and put-together.
That was, however, never what my mother had in store for me.
According to my mother, I could do and be whoever I wanted. No one was to tell me otherwise.
Her desire for greatness and only greatness spurred me on throughout most of my life. I had top marks in all my classes. I followed the rules. I was the most focused on graduating top of my class and receiving a scholarship to Velnova University on the coast.
Only after I got to college did I pause in my constant race towards needing to succeed. I paused, feeling like I ran miles without stopping when I reached my single room when I started to live alone as one of the only omegas ever to step on campus as a student.
Because I did it. I was here. I was everything my mother wanted me to be.
Only I didn’t know what exactly came next.
“I forget. What are you studying, dear?” The campus nurse asked as she stood over me in the tiny office they called a “health residence” though it felt more like a clinical box I desperately wanted to escape from the minute I walked inside. The nurse never gave her name the first time I came in, and now it was too awkward to ask.
I sat on the edge of the examination table. Nurse paused with the thermometer between her fingers. I had gotten to know thatspecific high-end thermometer rather intimately every month for the past two years I’d been at university.
“Oh,” I stuttered. “I’m still deciding.”
“It’s just so amazing how far you’ve managed to make it already. Inspiring, really.”
She was talking about the fact that only one omega had ever made it to graduation.
“I’m sure you’ll do great at whatever it is you decide to focus on. Though you need to decide by the end of the year, correct?”
“Right,” I said. The idea of deciding on my major had weighed on me for the past three months. The deadline was quickly approaching.
“Open up.” She directed with the tip of the thermometer.
Parting my lips, Nurse slipped the thermometer under my tongue. Both of us remained still, waiting nearly a minute and a half before the thing beeped.
“There we are.” Taking the thermometer away, at least the whole process was quick and easy to allow me to stay on campus. Though I tracked my health and the possibility of a heat sneaking up on me, the university had been hesitant to let me stay in the dorms unless they were also a part of the process. For my safety, apparently. “You’ve been feeling all right recently?”
“Mhm,” I nodded.
“No sudden fevers? Illness? Change of mood or heightened emotions?”