Page 104 of Knot for You
“Yes, Shelby. It’s going well.”
“I’m super happy for you.”
I smiled. “I’m happy for you too. Have a great rest of your week.”
“Say hi to the alphas for me.”
“I will.” Pulling the phone away, I hung up.
A shadow towered over me as I looked up.
“Who was that?” asked Jacob.
“Shelby. She said hi.”
He smiled even as I went back down to my laptop screen.
I typed the final line of the title on my latest report due for one of my online classes and sent it into the portal to my professor. Done.
“How’s our beautiful omega?” Leeson asked, planting a kiss on my temple as I chuckled at them all.
“How am I? I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be asking how you are,” I said, beaming up at him.
“Fantastic now that you’re here.”
“Ah, shut up with the mushy crap, Lee, and let me kiss our girl.” Jacob swept up aside of us, pulling me into his arms.
I squealed as he kissed me hard, parting our mouths open without a care of who was around. A few cameras flashed who were waiting by the entrance doors now that they noticed more of the players coming out from the locker rooms to get their final quotes from the games.
I couldn’t imagine what my mother would think of that when she saw the headlines. She’d probably be on the phone before I even saw it, asking me for at least a little decorum.
My mother had been closer since she finally got over the fact that I was no longer just any other student. I was an omega with a pack and doing things that may not have been the right or traditional way, but what was right for me.
Breaking apart, Silas up out of the team rooms next. Unbothered by the press, he walked in front of me as if there was no one else around us.
I flushed.
He used the knuckle of his index finger to lift my chin. “Project finished?”
“Good girl.” His hand slid down to capture my hand, squeezing it before his thumb reached up to brush his bite mark on my wrist.
I shivered with pleasure.
At this rate, they were going to bring my heat on early again even though I still had a few more weeks if I finally started tosettle and regulate the way my new doctor said I would now that I was with a pack and properly taking care of myself.
“Ready to get out of here?” Silas asked us all.
Leeson nodded, heading out the door as a few reporters tried to stop us.
“Pack Grim. What is this that I hear about a possibility of relocation coming up for the next season?” one asked with their phone out, likely recording. “Headed south towards the Vipers who were trying to scout you previously?”
Leeson rolled his eyes while Jacob looked like he was about to say something loud and proud. Thankfully, Silas cut them both off. “No comment at this time. You’ll know more as we know more.”