Page 15 of Knot for You
“Shouldn’t have done that,” she continued to mumble as she sat back in her seat, letting me go. Her brow creased as her words blended. “Really shouldn’t have.”
“We can have a do-over another time, sweetness, if you want, but you just made my night.” You’re not going to tell me anything about you?” I smiled as I backed out of the lot. I could still taste her on my lips. My tongue. A fever tore through me as I felt her next to me. “You need to sleep this off first though. I can’t wait to get to know you more.”
“You don’t want to know me.” She curled her legs up towards her stomach, blinking slowly as she looked out the window to where the street lamps lit the streets in steaks of fluorescent light.
“I think that is the exact opposite of true.”
“Smells so nice and was so comfy right here,” she murmured, probably thinking I wouldn’t hear. I let her go, continuing to drive until I realized she never told me where she lived on campus.
She leaned my head against the passenger seat as the streetlamps went by. Slowly, blinking… her eyes shut. Open… closed… open.
This was not my bed. This was one hundred percent, not my bed.
I couldn’t stop the run of thoughts before anything else because the only thought I could think of was?—
This is the best-smelling bed ever.
It was like I was lapping up a pumpkin spice latte, or at the very least, the best fall-inspired dessert I could ever imagine. Creamy and sweet.
I needed to stop thinking about it.
Sitting up, the warm blankets fell away from my shoulders as I looked around the room. No. This could not be happening. I was in a boy’s room. Not only that, but I was most certainly in an alpha’s room.
The scent did not lie.
Checking myself over, I was still dressed in the clothes I left in with Shelby last night. No one seemed to have attempted to take my clothes off. The real question was, how did I get here?
Slipping out of the bed, I nearly froze for a moment as I turned back to the deep blue sheets. I wanted to crawl back into them and never leave.
No.No, Vera. Get your head back on straight.
I had to leave.
Creeping over towards the door, I turned the knob. I wasn’t in a dorm room or even a house. It looked like I was in a quite large apartment. I wasn’t on campus anymore. That was clear.
This? This was not good.
This was worse than not good. This was completely messed up, could possibly have been sold into sex slavery or worse, not good. Though I doubted anyone who planned on selling me would first let me sleep in their pumpkin latte bedsheets with a glass of water on the nightstand.
Slowly, I started to retrace my steps. Or rather, I started to piece together what happened last night. Once I started, it hit me like a truck.
There was the party. Then the dancing. I went outside. Brian and his friends got too close to me.
A shiver went up my spine.
Then the alpha that smelled like autumn delights saved me and followed me out so that I wasn’t walking home alone and more drunk than I thought I was. Never again will I drink anything someone tells me is “basically juice.”
Whatever it was, was the complete opposite.
Now I just had to take a deep breath and realize that wherever I was, I must’ve been brought back here by the alpha who I spent most of the night with before I must’ve fallen asleep.