Page 41 of Knot for You
“Did your mom make it to nationals or the Olympics or whatever she was going for back then?” I asked.
“She competed, but…” Leeson shook his head.
I shouldn’t have been surprised. Surely, I would’ve heard at some point if there was a famous omega who made it to the Olympics. It only happened once or twice in history. I was pretty sure once someone presented. “That’s a shame.”
“She still loves it though. She says she loves every piece of it since without everything it would’ve never brought her to meeting my dads. Cheesy, right?”
I shrugged. “Just the right amount of cheese, maybe.”
“Good.” He smiled. “I must be winning you over. And look. You’re skating.”
“I’m…” I was. This whole time me and Leeson were talking, we’d been skating around the rink and long strides. His fingers were just grazing my hands now. Then, he let go. I was standing on my own two feet.
Both terror and wonder filled me as his eyes brightened. “I’m skating.”
“You are. You’re not moving much yet so more like gliding, but we’ll take it,” he said, a striking gleam in his warm chocolate eyes.
Carefully, I try to slide my one foot. I only roller-skated once, which in all honestly did not end well for my knees or elbows, but it couldn’t be so different, right?
“I think I almost got it,” I beamed.
“Look at you go.”
Yeah, look at me?—
“Ah!” I yelled and I saw Leeson almost reaching out for me. Almost.
Instead, he paused effortlessly on the ice and watched as I tried to steadier myself before my skates went out from underneath me altogether.
My ass hit the hard cold, wet ice.
Leeson’s lips pressed together in a hard line, his eyes bright and cheeks full. But he couldn’t help himself. A laugh echoed through the rink so much louder than my yelp.
I turned my chin up and glared, though my lips were twitching upwards at the corners too. A warm full feeling bloomed in my chest at the sound of his deep, encompassing laugh.
“Good. See? This told me a lot,” said Leeson, taking another step back closer.
“Like what?”
“You clearly can laugh at yourself.” Leeson reached out a hand. “You gotta learn how to fall too.”
“All part of the experience?” I asked.
Leeson grasped my palm and hauled me back up onto my blades. Oddly, after a moment, I felt steadier than before. His hands slipped around my waist until I was steady. Looking down at me, his eyes met mine for a moment. For some reason, the look alone was enough to stop air from reaching my lungs.
I never thought anyone would ever look at me like that.
“Absolutely,” he said.
My stomach growled.
“That thing sounds angry,” Leeson glanced down towards me as we undid our skates. He was still smiling.