Page 5 of Knot for You
“You’re thinking way too hard,” said Shelby. “It’s going to be fine.”
Easy for her to say. “Maybe.”
“Come on.” She stood up, reaching for me. “Come out of your pitiful omega nest.”
“It’s not a nest.” Though if it was, it would be pitiful. Except for my bedroom at home. I never actually had a proper omega nest that was basically a requirement whenever you even hear about an omega.
Then again, those omegas had specialized dorm rooms in the academy or alphas that doted on them enough to give them a whole room just for their soft, plush things.
My chest ached at the thought before I shoved it back away.
Far, far away.
“Your fort of despair then,” Shelby corrected herself. “It’s finally the weekend. You promised that we’d do something.”
Past Vera had much more confidence in herself to be fun on Tuesday. Friday Vera with a heat looming over her head? Not so much.
“I don’t know, Shelbs.”
“Can’t we stay in and watch a movie?”
“We could. But is that really what you want to do.”
“You promised.”
I shut my eyes. Slowly I nodded my head. “All right. Fine.”
Shelby squealed. “Just sit right there. Don’t move. I’ll pick you out something to wear.
What Shelby picked out for me to wear was nothing but a tight pair of jeans I saved for when I was mostly or only standing and a tight long-sleeved bodysuit that had an asymmetrical neckline. I can’t remember when I bought it or why, even if Shelby told me that I looked one hundred percent hot.
I never thought of myself as hot. It wasn’t one of the first adjectives I used to describe myself.
You are a strong, independent woman, my mother ingrained into me. Determined, ambitious, and powerful.
Then again, I wasn’t so sure I believed her either when she told me that. I didn’t think I was any of those things, at least not completely. In the end, I was just Vera. I was quiet unless I had something to say, studious, sure—but more sensitive than I would like.
I was me.
Of course, that also meant that when I walked through the door of the fraternity house that smelled like piss and cheap beer (two smells that were close to the same), I was only one thing to anyone that looked my way.
A few of the girls eyed me. Shelby pulled me through the crowd, dancing in a clump in the living room where all the furniture had been shoved to the sides. When we made it to the kitchen, a long table was set up for beer pong. One guy was already celebrating with his hands lifted above his head invictory while the person on the other end gulped down whatever was in a red cup.
“Do you want anything?” Shelby asked.
I looked around at the counters littered with cans and cups. “Uh.”
“Here.” Before I could tell her I was good, one of those red cups was pressed into my hand. Lifting it to my nose, I was prepared this time for the smell of beer. Instead, however, I smelt something harsh, yet also slightly sweet.
“What is this?” I asked.