Page 56 of Knot for You
She wasn’t letting me speak. “I want to push you to be better and go for what you want. I am sure you can find the time before you leave to relax during your medical leave.”
Relax? Not good enough?
Writhing in pain and need was called relaxing?
I couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Myheat, Ms. Meyers. You are speaking of my upcoming heat.”
She blinked, hands on either side of her, perched on the desk coming up to her chest as she cleared her throat. “You do not need to be crude, Vera.”
“On the contrary, I don’t find my body crude at all,” I said. “I expect as a biologist you know the word heat and that it isn’t a vacation enough to not be upset with me about having to take the time off coming up which was planned in advance.”
Her eyes widened. “I see.”
I didn’t, and faltered, brow creasing.
“I had hopes for you, Vera. Please know that you will be receiving an email by the end of the evening.”
With my grade properly? I slowly nodded.
“The registrar will let you know whether or not you will be able to retake this class with someone else if you do decideon a major with this requirement or it will be marked on your transcript as an incomplete.”
“An incomplete?” I stammered. “I am still in the class.”
“Unfortunately, I must reach out to the dean and suggest that you be withdrawn from my course.”
“But why?”
“I don’t condone students cheating.”
“I didn’t cheat.”
“Brian Wolosyn informed me differently, and I take these things very seriously since it seems that you do not care to rectify or work towards bettering yourself,” she said. “It is a shame that you tricked me and so many people into expecting more. To be honest, Vera, for a short time I felt hurt.”
“I didn’t cheat,” I repeated. “You can’t force me out of a class just because you don’t like me or who I am, Ms. Meyers. I thought… I thought you cared about my work or what I did or where I ended up no matter if I was an omega or beta or alpha?—”
“Despite,” Ms. Meyers corrected. “Despite your designation, I believe I said. A lapsed judgment that I should’ve known better by it appears. “If you have any other issues, you can bring those concerns elsewhere. Have a good evening, Vera.”
I stare at her.
“Have a good evening, Vera,” she repeated. Harder.
Slowly, one step at a time I walked out of her office. I could hardly breathe let alone think. What was happening? Suddenly it felt like the entire world was spinning and falling apart. Nothing was going right.
My mother was going to be disappointed in me.
Now, I was disappointed in myself.
And there was only one place in my mess of a head I wanted to be to make it feel a little more all right.
Even when it wasn’t.
Not at all.