Page 72 of Knot for You
Though I didn’t understand why.
Silas reached for his keys. “I’ll make sure she gets back to campus.”
Swallowing, I looked at Silas. Nothing was foreboding in his expression or tense. He was grumpy and most of the time from my experience, no fun to be around like the rest of his pack members who were slowly but surely worming their way into my every thought whether or not I wanted them to.
I was beginning to see that I may not have had a choice in the matter. Especially not now according to Claudia and my body.
And I wasn’t sure it was such a bad thing.
Silas on the other hand? Silas made it clear that it very much was, quickly throwing me back into the reality of what was happening here between us all.
What shouldn’t be happening.
Whenever I even looked at Silas who came back last night and stayed away from us all, my heart started to hammer in my chest.
Neither of us had even spoken to one another.
He wasn’t planning on letting the not-so-new arrangement last.
“You want to drive her back to campus?” Leeson asked Silas. He looked between me and his friend.
Silas twirled the keys, still not looking at me. “Just said that, didn’t I?”
“You good?” Leeson asked, his hand steady as he let it linger low on my back.
“Fine. Thanks for everything. Tell your mom I said thanks too. It was nice to meet her.”
“I’ll let her know.” Leeson looked up at Silas. “Be nice.”
“I’m nice.”
Since when? I reached for my coat, but Jacob was already there coming up behind me. He must’ve heard the conversation already or heard the resoluteness of the change through theirbond. I was beginning to see it, feel it, more clearly between the three alphas when they were all in the room at once.
One sleeve at a time Jacob helped me put my coat on and even zipped it up. I didn’t know where this kind of gentle treatment was coming from, but I couldn’t help how much I liked it.
Jacob slid his thumb over my jaw with a gentle smile before turning to his packmate. “You better make sure that she gets back safe.”
“I’ll walk her to the door,” Silas said. He turned around and headed out on his own.
Taking a deep breath and with another encouraging smile from Jacob and a concerned look from Leeson, I headed out after him. I followed Silas down the hall to the elevator and into the garage to where his SUV all the guys always seemed to ride in sat parked. There wasn’t a single scratch on the dark midnight blue paint, though dirt marred the tires from going back and forth to school in the weather lately.
Starting the car, he waited for me to buckle up before he backed out and we were on the road. The hum of the drive and the even quieter sound of hot air pulsing through the vents remained steady.
“So, you met Lee’s mom,” Silas said after a long moment.
I thought the entire ride was going to take place in complete silence. I didn’t mind, of course. I didn’t think that this drive could go any other way between the two of us, even if for some odd reason he did decide to be the one to get me back to my place.
I figured maybe it was because he wanted me out of the house and away from them again. There was no way I was going to malfunction so wildly a second time in two days.
“Yeah,” I said. “She was nice.”
“She is.” Silas cleared his throat. “She’s a great lady.”
“Um…” I fidgeted with my nails, picking at them where my hands sat in my lap. “Do you have a mom or dad or moms and dads?”
I sounded ridiculous trying to start small talk. I couldn’t be sure where it led.
It turned out to lead to Silas rolling his light eyes. “I had a mom and dad. I didn’t come from hell like some people say.”