Page 79 of Knot for You
I groaned.
The door across from us creaked, and for a minute I thought it was Silas, his name like a call and response. Only Jacob walked in, hair still damp from his shower. He ran his fingers through the dark strands.
“Mind if I join?” Jacob slipped into Leeson’s bed on the other side of me, pulling me back until I was pressed into his arms. His head propped right over my shoulder as he cocooned around me. Content, a small purr started in his chest, sending me straight into a calm state.
Even lying between these two, I never felt so good. Not in my entire life.
I was never going to leave them. Not if I had a choice.
That meant I was going to have to tell my mom.
As if he knew it too, Leeson smiled in front of me, grasping my hand and holding it until we all fell asleep, and the world turned perfectly quiet.
“Wait. What time is it?”
Leeson stretched his neck back to look over his shoulder with a self-satisfied smile on his face from how he had woken me up some time ago with his face pressed between my legs. I came twice and he wouldn’t let me go until I came a third which really didn’t do well for not ignoring my silent alarm I set on my phone.
I looked around for my phone, seeing it turned over on the nightstand from where I left it. My eyes widened. “Lee. What time?”
“Uh,” He looked over to the other side of the bed where the clock was. “Almost nine.”
I flung myself off of him and out of his amazing bed. I would do anything to just crawl back in?—
No. This was not the time for me to start developing another omega habit I had repressed for all these years. I needed to leave now.
“What’s going on?”
“My mom is coming to see me by ten.” With her, that was liable to mean nine-thirty.
I glanced at the clock again, wanting to curse it for moving another minute while I searched for my pants. Pants… pants. “Where are my pants?”
Leeson sat up slowly, watching me as I panicked. “I think you threw them over in the corner between the time you demanded I take care of you if I was going to look so sexy.”
I glared at him.
With a chuckle, he got up and moved to a small pile of clothing. He picked up what looked like my sweatpants but was most certainly his accounting for the million sizes too large they were.
I grabbed them anyway, rolling the waist until I knew that I wasn’t going to completely moon anyone.
“I need to go now.”
Jacob peeked the door open from where he must’ve left to go to the bathroom before I fully comprehended the time. It was becoming a habit, all of us sleeping together. “What’s going on?”
“She needs a ride back to the dorms.”
“No breakfast first?”
“No breakfast,” I nearly yelled, breathing heavily.