Page 12 of Wild in Spirit
Travis’s voice was hoarse, but she wasn’t worried about his threats. He was naked, standing on the edge of the roof, facing inward, hands chained above his head to a metal railing that ran along the whole perimeter. He must have been in a standing position all night because a gag still hung from his neck, and the chains kept him swaying precariously on the roof’s edge.
And now, he rocked back and forth on his bare feet, barely keeping his balance. He looked miserable. And yes, no matter what he said, this was hilarious.
“How…No, I don’t want to know.”
“Hell, I want to know. What happened here, Travis? What on Earth possessed you to get your scrawny ass on that ledge of death and let someone chain you?” Gio had his hands on his hips and stared at the chains in wonder, shaking his head.
“A mouth like a vacuum is what did it. She had me in a hold. I couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. She’s fucking crazy. Climbed me like a monkey and wrapped herself around me. All I could do was hold on and pray the railing didn’t snap while she rode me like a wildebeest.”
“Damn. What I wouldn’t give—”
“Hello. I think we need to get him down. How no one saw him up here is the real mystery.” She clicked off the camera, shoving her phone in her little satchel before gesturing at Gio.
“Yeah, no fucking clue. This whole place was lit up with partiers last night. Every fucking room was full. When Kenna’s brother showed up, we were in the middle of…you know …up here, and she freaked out. Someone linked her he was lookingfor her, so she grabbed her clothes and jetted. Said she’d send someone for me.”
“Easy fix. It’s just snapped together with a carabiner.” Keoni unwrapped the chains from the far pole, and the metal hit the concrete with a thud. Gio grabbed his arm, pulling him onto the roof, and he collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.
Bailey had wandered around picking up Travis’s clothes, then one by one, she dropped them on his back. “Come on, Trav. Get dressed. No one wants to see everything the Moon Goddess gave you.”
Still holding his arm, he flopped over onto his back and smiled at her. “Kenna does. I’ve never had so much wild sex in my life. The girl is non-stop, and she likes it dangerous. Before she chained me up, she had me fuck her from behind while she hung over the edge, and then—”
“Nope.” Bailey turned and walked away, refusing to go back down the ladder, and instead used the stairs like a normal person. “I’ll be in the car. You three will have plenty of time to compare adventures on the drive.”
Down in the car, she moved to the middle seat, letting Travis lay down in the back. She was sure he needed some sleep, and she popped her headphones on, hoping to drown out more Kenna stories.
Once they were on the road again, Travis snoring in the back, and Gio driving, she’d been working on her own laptop for about an hour when Keoni grumbled. He was looking through his phone, trying to make sense of the security footage someone had emailed him, when he turned to her.
“No damn service out here. You got access to the internet?”
“I have hotspots for my laptops. I’m cutting a segment right now, but if you want to use my personal laptop, you can. Just send your stuff to my email.”
She slipped her headphones back on and had finished editing a few clips when Keoni moved from the front seat to the middle seat next to her, and she looked up.
Gone was Keoni’s normally relaxed and easy-going demeanor. He was angry. “You weren’t going to tell us?”
Chapter 4
Monday, November 1
2:20 p.m.
“Tell you what?” Alarm bells went off for her, and despite not knowing what he was talking about, she had a feeling it had to do with her laptop. Shit. Her personal laptop and her email. Quickly, she tried to snatch it away from him, but he pulled it back.
“Travis. Get up.”
She sat stiffly in her seat, looking out the window while Keoni tried to get Travis to pay attention. Really, he could have seen anything, and she didn’t want to give away something he didn’t know, so she stayed silent.
“Explain to us why I am looking at the ‘couple emails’ this stalker sent you, and it’s way more than ‘a couple.’”
Ahh. The emails. She cleared her throat and rolled her eyes at his air quotes. “Really wasn’t a big deal. I get tons. What does it matter?”
“It matters because I am looking at this blocked list, and you have blocked 142 of his email addresses already. One hundred and forty fucking two. And he’s emailed you over five hundred times in the past six months, most of them this month.”
She looked out the window. Nothing she wasn’t aware of. “What do you want me to say? I am not letting one crazy rando scare me away. I can handle him. Remember, I’m also a trained fighter.”
“Show me your video feeds from last night. The hotel’s cameras were all wiped. I thought I could find traces in the feed, but nothing. You have more cameras than you know what to do with, so let me go through the footage and figure out who he is. Then you can keep on with your life.”
“Wait…what?” Travis’s confused voice filtered through her consciousness, but she ignored him. Robotically, she saved what she was working on, then pulled up her feeds.